Hello, I would like to know if there is any references regarding the so-called "NSA" overwrite and where information can be obtained on this method, if it even exists.
"The NSA does not approve overwrite as an effective method for sanitizing hard disk media" [Dave Federspiel, Data Security, Inc)1
And more so, "Dr Peter Gutmann of the University of Auckland (NZ) made an exhaustive study of hard drive media a few years back. His analysis of their encoding techniques became the basis of his approach to secure deletion. His research is today the 'industry standard' work on the subject.
Dr Gutmann is also quick to understand that 'MILITARY', 'NISPOM', 'DOD' and 'NSA' algorithms are at best just so much smoke-screening, and for precisely the reason cited above, and therefore focused his research on what he knew the DOD and the NSA had to focus on: actual physical recording technology characteristics."
"There is no such thing as 'DOD' or 'NSA' secure delete for hard drives. There never has been and there never will be. On this the DOD and the NSA are unequivocal: The only secure delete for permanent media such as computer hard drives is incineration. Companies boasting use of 'DOD-approved' or 'NSA-approved' methods are citing standards for something entirely different - volatile memory - a subtlety they don't bother telling you about - naturally.
What the DOD and NSA sometimes recommend is that memory - RAM chips - be overwritten several times with Mickey Mouse algorithms as an extra precaution. They are not so dumb as to recommend something so simple for hard drives. (For that matter, neither the DOD nor the NSA are so dumb as to tell you what secure delete algorithms they really use - think about it.)
The only reason you find the DOD and the NSA quoted is because
1. it sounds good; and
2. the programmers can't do any better.
Otherwise, it's a complete hoax. The only approved method for secure delete is the Gutmann method - a method so difficult to understand, and even more difficult to implement, that most companies don't dare try. But if you really need secure delete, it's the only way to go." Rixstep2
So what to do?
Is it really safe to trust the file deletion method?
The only approved NSA method for shredding is here http://www.machine-solution.com/product-shredder8-1834.html