Secure Deletion on Vista

Is Secure Deletion working on Vista? Previously when I ran CCleaner on Windows XP, it would take several seconds to wipe a large file in the Recycle Bin and afterwards it would display a message saying how many bytes were removed. Under Vista, CCleaner completes almost instantly and, while the Recycle Bin is indeed emptied, the reported number of bytes removed is usually miniscule.

There are issues with Secure Delete, for sure. But the more global problem is that we never seem to get any updates here in the forum as to which bug reports have been accepted for future fixes and which ones have not. Those of us who submit what we sincerely belive are bugs, or program deficiencies, such as not wiping file names, just sit and wait for weeks on end to see if MAYBE the next release will fix it. If not, we wait another 4 to 6 weeks, and so on. The program is fantastic, but it would be 'oh, so nice' if once in a while we could get some insight to what bugs and program improvements are being actively worked. I am under the impression that this is at least part of the purpose of this forum. If the moderators have any insight whatsoever into what Mr. G considers legitimate bugs, it would really be nice to see that written here once in a while. If the moderators are not getting this information, then my apologies, and it looks like we are all in the same boat...


'gbj' makes some good points. Those of us who really care about CCleaner and it's future, come here and report what we believe are legitimate bugs, then we sit in the dark - sometimes for a month or more with zero feedback - waiting to see if the next release will fix what we reported. If this forum is here purely for newbies to ask moderators for help, then please tell us that. Otherwise, please make it at least a bit of a 'two way street.' When bugs are reported, I think we would all like to know whether or not they are legit and whether they will be fixed at some point in time.. My .02...

Hi, the Secure Delete is going to be rewritten in the next release. :)


Mr. G - your reply is appreciated more than you know ! ! THANK YOU ! And PLEASE keep up the great work ! !

Thanks for the feedback. CCleaner was a terrific program on XP and it would be so useful to have it running fully on Vista too.

I concur. On WIN XP SP2 it was good. On Vista 32bit its bad - URL IE history doesnt go, bad secure wipe, throws compatability errors that then get reported to MS as part of the embedded problem/solution process etcetc.

There is new features with Vista that means a new release that properly addresses the potential security holes of secure deletion not really deleting all the possible places data could still exist in.