secure deleting files which are resident in MFT?

At the end of secure deleting files, recuva says that lots of files are resident in MFT and couldn't be deleted.

How can I delete them anyway?

EDIT: Added logfile



Nobody there? Still no answers since two weeks... :blink:

If you have a look for info on the Master File Table, for instance here,;en-us;Q174619

don't really think it's a good idea to try and delete files from there!

We will be adding wiping files from the MFT in a future version of Recuva.



Okay thanks!

At the moment, people think all files are deleted securely, but some files aren't. So it's not possible to trust this function at all.

We will be adding wiping files from the MFT in a future version of Recuva.

Was this feature ever added? I just tried to delete some images using Recuva and I got the message that they were not overwritten because they were resident in the MFT.

It's May 2011, using version 1.40 securely deleting obscure resident files in the MFT is still not supported?

Or are your supporting the obscure part? Looks more like it, 3 years for an important feature and nada.

As I'm sure you're aware, wipe MFT has been available in CCleaner for some time. As far as I know overwriting MFT entries is achieved by allocating sufficient dummy files to fill the MFT then deleting them (there being no safe way of overwriting a specific entry outside of the control of NTFS). This function is more suitable to be in CC, which is a cleanup application, than Recuva, which is prinarily a recovery application.

Still no delete file from mft. And no, we don't want to wipe the entire mft. Do you know how long that can take? The original comment by your staff made mention this was going to be available in a future release. If that's wrong, then a formal retraction in this thread is warranted. That's the right thing to do, don't you think?

Do you realise that this thread originated in 2008 - Just short of 13 years ago?

And hasn't had a comment, previous to yours, since 2011 - Almost 10 years.

If it's not happened in that time then I think you can assume it isn't happening.

"Wipe MFT free space" can be found under Options>Settings in CCleaner.

It also needs 'Wipe Free Space' to be checked in Custom Clean. (One off use, don't leave it selected all the time or it will just slow your custom cleans down).

OK that's CCleaner not Recuva.

Different tools for different jobs.