Secure Deleted Files

I am deleting files and sometimes i am getting this message - Not Deleted - File Is Registered In The MFT

Yes, this is common. With an NTFS disk small files may be held entirely in the Master File Table, not in sectors in the 'user' area of the disk. When deleted the entry will be flagged as deleted but the data remains.

CC will securely delete these files, but they cannot be overwritten after they have been deleted, as Recuva quite wisely does not attempt to alter the MFT.

In time, as new files are created, the entry, and the data in it, will be overwritten.


i'm a newbie to this. i'm trying to delete files from the 1990's. i highlighted & checked over 1000 files, but i keep getting "0 files deleted in o.o6 secs." when i run another scan, the files are still there unchanged. what ami i doing wrong? thanks,
