I see by your posts that they are at very sophisticated level. I have a very simple question - and I am not very good at this computer stuff.
As my computer is now set, when entering an item ( say Hedge Funds is entered) - in my case google - in the search window, that item stays or is stored in the search window in the top middle of the MSN Home Page. When you click on that top middle window, the entry Hedge Funds appears. I could not figure out how to remove the entry Hedge Funds.
So, I called my computer customer care experts. They installed CCleaner. They ran it which removed the entry - Hedge Fund. But, they had all the options checked or almost all. So which option - history, cookies, etc - should I click on to remove only the entries - like the word Hedge Funds - in that top middle search window?
That won't work, only by chance anyway. Fr'instance, if you uncheck Option a and the correct option is C, and then run CC, you will get the dreaded false positive as C will be doing the wiping. Maybe you mean uncheck all options, then check one option at a time until the Hedge Funds entry is gone.
Or more simply, right click on each option in turn and select the Clean ....etc option. This will execute each option separately so that when Hedge Funds goes you have your man. Or woman, as you please. You can leave all your options ticked without upsetting anything.
So which option - history, cookies, etc - should I click on to remove only the entries - like the word Hedge Funds - in that top middle search window?
Hello ags,
Welcome to the forums !!!
As you can probably tell, so far, no MSN users have responded. I don't use MSN either.
The other members have you on the right track.
If I were you, the first thing I would do is turn off all the options except the option that is on the Applications tab at Internet list > Windows Live Toolbar.
Click on this little snapshot and it will show you where to find it. Click again and the picture will be enlarged.
I typed the same solution as you, but chickened out.
There are options I have only checked for experimental ANALYSIS, but never had the courage to CLEAN.
So I decided not to push a newcomer over the edge.
I decided that the "computer customer care experts" did stuff that MIGHT have removed something that should have stayed, and I would not do further damage if I avoided checking anything not yet checked.
So I reversed my solution, getting the hedge funds in the search window and cleaning with one of the options cancelled and repeating until the hedge funds survived, and that last cancelled option is the one.
Unfortunately whilst editing to reverse my procedure, I was called away for a meal, and then after further distractions I failed to complete the edit reversal.
No problem, old bean. Ags should have been able to work it out him/herself anyway. That's the problem with these meals, a small glass or two of digestive assistance tends to keel me over for some reason.