"Search Plugin" software installed...

I have a friend who has this thing in his Control Panel's Add & Remove Program.

This software he sees installed with no clue what it is called "Search Plugin". He

tells me that it has details that it takes up 55 GB which doesnt make sense at all

because his total HD space only has 74.5 TOTAL and he has this anime archive

folder said to be at 30 GB already & he has other files that he didn't even add to

his total GB usage. 55 + 30= 85 and only 74.5 of GB space total eh? (The search

plugin thing use to be around 100MB in the past) Now this is not normal & we're

just wondering what the problem may be as we're afraid that if

we take any further action, that may screw my friend's comp over. He uses

Windows XP Professional & a Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0. This "Search Plugin"

thing, isnt classified as spyware or a virus. This friend of mine had this for years &

just checked the details recently. Just to cut it down, in the past he used Norton

anti-virus, Microsoft Anti-Spyware, Zonealarm, Ad-aware, Bulldog anti-virus, &

he's currently using Shaw Secure that has a package of F-secure's Anti-virus &

anti-spyware. There are no strange add-ons on his "Manage Add-ons..." list on the

Tools menu of his IE 6. He wishes to simply remove it but there's that concern that

it'll mess things up. And we're basically stuck here, sorry if the details are long

or confusing (I'm a forum noobie as you see), but any advice is appreciated &

thanks. Oh, if at least anyone has this "Search Plugin" thing (or in the past), mind

telling me something about it? That may solve the problem.