search from my NAS , how ?

Hi to you

I unfortently deleted som picture from my NAS harddsik... I cant get premission to search on the NAs true Recuva...

What can I do ??

Kind regards

Lars Plovmann

Recuva can only recover from local drives not NAS, sorry

you would need to temporarily install the NAS drive/drives into your PC for scanning.

but you still may be out of luck as many NAS units either use their own brand of file system or some variant of Linux and if it had more than one drive, it may have used some sort of RAID technology.

state your OS and NAS type in case it sheds more light for others.

okay... do anyone know another program, wish I can scan and recover my NAS hardddisk whit ??

saying all you can about your NAS may help members answer that question.

NAS make & model?, number of drives?, capacity?, brand?, file system?, raid?

I don't know any freeware that will, some of the more expensive recoverys might, and as others have insinuated the device's manufacturer might have a utility for it.

What about a Linux live CD? Just asking, never tried it for that.