Screenshot tools cannot scroll found-files list

After finding out that the "Save list to text file" context menu option produces a file without the Last Modified, State, and Comment columns, even though they show as selected columns when selecting what rows to export (See, I went looking for other options, mainly in the form of a screenshot of the information, which lead to other issues...

Several basic screenshot utilities ( & weren't able to get any of the horizontal, or vertical contents of the list that existed out of the view, in the screenshot.

Then after employing a more comprehensive, and very cool screen capture utility ( I was able to get the whole vertical contents of the list in the screenshot, so long as there was no horizontal scrolling required. After expanding all columns to be as wide as the widest row, and trying to screenshot the list, I would get all the horizontal list contents in the screenshot, up until half way down the vertical list contents, where the screenshot would promptly end (Even though the scrolling that is done, with the user watching, went all the way down, then across, to repeat with each window-width).

I had thought there was only one type of form (I believe this is the name of the GUI elements), for each purpose, in Windows, and hence cannot understand why so many screenshot utilities are seemingly incompatible.

While it would be good to get Recuva working with some screenshot utilities, would be better to just export all the selected columns, in the first place.

Try SysExporter from Nirsoft


After about 10 seconds it was ready to create a file with 14,632 files listed.

Rather than attach a monster text file I will just paste the first few lines here :-

Filename Path Last Modified Size State Comment
bootex.log D:\ 14/04/2011 22:34 5 KB Unrecoverable This file is overwritten with "D:\$LogFile"
bootsqm.dat D:\ 14/04/2011 22:34 4 KB Unrecoverable This file is overwritten with "D:\$LogFile"
sessionstore.js D:\Junctions\PaleMoon\Alan\Roaming\Pale Moon\Profiles\4qbu47br.default\ 20/09/2013 09:51 193 KB Excellent No overwritten clusters detected.
sessionstore.js D:\Junctions\PaleMoon\Alan\Roaming\Pale Moon\Profiles\4qbu47br.default\ 19/09/2013 15:30 191 KB Very poor This file is overwritten with "D:\Junctions\PaleMoon\Alan\Roaming\Pale Moon\Profiles\4qbu47br.default\adblockplus\elemhide.css"
sessionstore.js D:\Junctions\PaleMoon\Alan\Roaming\Pale Moon\Profiles\4qbu47br.default\ 18/09/2013 13:52 164 KB Very poor This file is overwritten with "D:\Junctions\PaleMoon\Alan\Roaming\Pale Moon\Profiles\4qbu47br.default\adblockplus\elemhide.css"
51045.dat D:\?\ 10/03/2012 21:44 14 KB Excellent No overwritten clusters detected.

By using the SysExporter "Items" menu you can resequence columns for your convenience, e.g.

Filename Last Modified Size State Comment Path
bootex.log 14/04/2011 22:34 5 KB Unrecoverable This file is overwritten with "D:\$LogFile" D:\
bootsqm.dat 14/04/2011 22:34 4 KB Unrecoverable This file is overwritten with "D:\$LogFile" D:\
sessionstore.js 20/09/2013 09:51 193 KB Excellent No overwritten clusters detected. D:\Junctions\PaleMoon\Alan\Roaming\Pale Moon\Profiles\4qbu47br.default\
sessionstore.js 19/09/2013 15:30 191 KB Very poor This file is overwritten with "D:\Junctions\PaleMoon\Alan\Roaming\Pale Moon\Profiles\4qbu47br.default\adblockplus\elemhide.css" D:\Junctions\PaleMoon\Alan\Roaming\Pale Moon\Profiles\4qbu47br.default\
sessionstore.js 18/09/2013 13:52 164 KB Very poor This file is overwritten with "D:\Junctions\PaleMoon\Alan\Roaming\Pale Moon\Profiles\4qbu47br.default\adblockplus\elemhide.css" D:\Junctions\PaleMoon\Alan\Roaming\Pale Moon\Profiles\4qbu47br.default\
51045.dat 10/03/2012 21:44 14 KB Excellent No overwritten clusters detected. D:\?\

Perfect! (I had intended to ask if there was also a way of grabbing the ?forms? contents from ?RAM?).

Do wish, though, that Piriform would consider adding the extra columns into the output as native functionality. I can't really think of a reason to exclude it.

Also hope that eventually someone at Piriform will try and get screenshot programs working with Recuva.

P.S Wanted to "Like this" your post, but got "

An error occurred

You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day"

.... which is weird, because it is my first use of this feature, ever.... Something else that probably should be looked into :(

The like button doesn't function for anyone (not even moderators, admins, or developers) , so don't worry it's not just you.

The like button doesn't function for anyone (not even moderators, admins, or developers) , so don't worry it's not just you.

Perhaps it should be removed then :)

Perhaps it should be removed then :)

I've no power on that subject,I can only ban spammers