Scheduled Clean Up


I'm a computer technician and I fix computers Daily and one thing I do for my Customers is install CCleaner (Free of charge)

which usually frees up a load of space if it has not been Scanned and Cleaned in a few years. The thing is, they usually forget

to use the program, so a great addition to the already Great program is to add a Schedule feature so that every hour, day or month

CCleaner will automatically run a scan and then clean the temporary internet files this would help me also so I don't have to remember

to scan and clean my files at the end of the week.

Carry on the GREAT work


You could always use Windows task Scheduler.

Found a thread here which explains how to do this.

Post 16 sort of puts it in a nutshell

I agree. Although this has been suggested many times, I think, CCleaner should have its own built-in module for auto-cleaning without manually going to the Task Scheduler. Whenever someone suggests that, active forum members would say, ohh.. just use the Task Scheduler or those command lines....

But many inexperienced users don't even know how to use the Task Scheduler and some other don't even have that in their computer vocabulary, the same time they always forget to do cleanups. For inexperienced users, those things like CCleaner.exe or /AUTO are just not that clear.

I think, a built in interface for scheduling cleaning tasks within CCleaner, would help soothe that problem along with the help and advice of computer technicians like Phil2010 cause its way too simpler to see it that way.

Its a feature that so many other utility software have made easy with just a few clicks, without those command line things, I don't see why CCleaner should not make it simpler like that.