Scanning USB flash drives

I would like to be able to scan my USB Memory Flash drive with CCleaner - can I and how do I do it?

I tried adding files under "options" "custom" but that didn't work.

I also tried right clicking on the drive in Windows Explorer but there was no selection for scanning with CCleaner.

Why would you want to scan your usb drive?

I would like to be able to scan my USB Memory Flash drive with CCleaner - can I and how do I do it?

I tried adding files under "options" "custom" but that didn't work.

I also tried right clicking on the drive in Windows Explorer but there was no selection for scanning with CCleaner.

Interesting post to someone who is new to this ------ not appreciated whatsoever, apologies to rest of forum.

Am i missing something with this post?


Did you by any chance have something on a memory stick or the like that you downloaded to your computer and now want to see if the drive is " clean " ? Is this what you mean?

Yes - Hazelnut - that is it - I want to make sure it is clean and that there are no chkdsk fragments (if there is such a thing on USB drives).

All I wanted to know is if I can scan the drive and if I can scan the drive how would I do it.

If I can't scan the drive that's fine, all I wanted was a reason why I can't scan it.

As I said before, I'm new to this and don't understand. I was given this program by a friend so am winging this by the little I know about computers.

Sorry if I came across as rude. That wasn't my intention at all. I mainly just wanted to know what you were trying to do by scanning your usb drive with CCleaner.

rridgley, can he scan his usb drive with CCleaner? Or is it as I think that once your memeory stick is wiped clean there is no point in scanning the drive, there is nothing there.

i would think there would be know point, it sort of does what eraser does and just wipes it to blank slate

dande, I think hazelnut identified the problem ... "scan" is too general a term

Anyone else feel free to jump in but ...

CCleaner locates and allows you to delete specific types of files (typically operating system and application temp / log / cache folders and files). It also identifies and allows you to fix specific types of registry issues. Neither function is likely to be useful for a non-system drive. If you could specify the file names and path for CCleaner to check on your USB memory, you would know if the files are there.

If you want to see what's on your USB memory, Explorer (with appropriate view settings) will show most things. File recovery software such as Undelete or Restoration will reveal files that have been deleted but not erased.

If you want to erase / wipe / shred files on your USB memory, use a file shredder such as Eraser (or the tool in Restoration).

CCleaner cleans pre-set folders, files & registry entries it will not clean anything unless there is a specific entry to do so.

Good clarification by englishmen:

By "If you could specify the file names and path for CCleaner to check on your USB memory ... ", I meant you'd have to set up Options > Custom.

I don't know if that's possible for a non-system drive and doesn't seem worthwhile unless it's a recurring need.