Scanning external drive? (from an infected system)

Hi, CCleaner is a great tool! I am trying to figure out how to scan an external drive...

Whenever I get an infected system, I pull the hard drive and put it in a USB enclosure and scan it from my machine. (this way the virus and malware cannot run but can be deleted.) It would speed up my scans tremendously if I could run CCleaner on them!

Is there anyway to accomplish this? Or does anyone have a good way of doing this using another tool?

Thank you for your time!

I guess there is no way to tell it to clean the slave drive?

Would it be possible if I would create a cleaning computer where my primary partion is "D" and map the slave infected drives to "C"? Or does CCleaner "know" what drive is the primary?

Ok, this must not be possible.


Ok, this must not be possible.


Dont say no dont give up so CCleaner will do C: drive Temp cookies dat History MRUs URLs so on for Virus & spyware so you need this may help see & free avast & avast vac DrWeb curieit McAfee Stinger Spyware see for free or get at

or :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I'm not quite sure what you are trying to do here. CC isn't, as you well know, a virus scanner, so do you just want to reduce the amount of data on the suspect drive? Simply knocking off the temp internet files will probably remove the majority of unwanted data, then you could also browse temp files and delete the biggies you find, after you've decided you don't want them. Then scan with your virus software.

I understand and that is what I currently do,

I pull the hard drive from the infected system, put it in a USB external enclosure and fire it up.

Then I go under each user account (with XP) and delete the temporary files and IE temporary files.

This speeds virus and malware scanning tremendously!

My question was, How do I tell CCleaner that I want it to clean drive X: instead of my C:?

I'm not asking it to clean malware or virus, just clean the junk off so the scanners run faster. (all of those temp files slow down scanning!)

I don't know if CCleaner can do this...never seen a way to.


The only way I can think of is:

If the ext drive is always allocated to drive x, and if the temp ext files are always in the same location....

Mount an ext drive (not necessarily infected!)

Open CC, Options/Include/Add Folder

Browse your pc until you are positioned on the ext drive temp int files

Click OK

This will add the ext temp file folder to the include list. You can add several temp file locations of course. Just run CC to wipe the contents. It doesn't matter if the folder isn't found on normal CC runs when the ext drive isn't connected. If you want to just clear the ext drive then you would have to untick all the options in CC except Include, but I think you could probably rig up some method of swapping options. Rgds.

Augeas, That sounds almost possible!

Is a Is there a way to add a wildcard directory to the temp files directory under CCleaner?

X:\Documents and Settings\*.*\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files

X:\Documents and Settings\*.*\Local Settings\Temp

What other directories should I add? (and that is the issue, CCleaner "knows" where all of those directories are and THAT is why it is a great tool!!!)

I'm not sure if a wildcard will work. It's worth a try. I know that folders/files on drives not normally reached by CC can be cleaned by this method, as I've done it. Bear in mind though that other CC options, such as don't delete temp files until 48 hrs old, will not apply. The folder name goes in, the whole lot gets cleared out. Let us know how you get on.

CCleaner C:\Windows Only If you rename the drive to C: it will work or get a cleaner that do all drives like Baku or System Cleaner most only do C: as temp is on C: :rolleyes::rolleyes: