Whenever I try to schedule a scan I get an internal error message and defraggler can't schedule the scan. I included a pic of error message if this will be of any help. Has anyone else run into this? Any feedback appreciated.
(no fault of yours) but that error message is next to useless !!!.
if it had just said "Yeah, Sorry guys, I can't do that" it would be just as helpful ! not even an error number. Geez.
i just tried to schedule one (DF v2.14.706, Win8 Pro 64bit) and it put an entry in the Schedule Task list. so it seems to be just you, or at least, your setup.
what other options did you supply when setting up the Schedule? (Drive?, Period?, Defrag type?)
obviously try the usual stuff first; uninstall, reboot, reinstall DF.
delving deeper; check the Permissions on the Registry key HKLM\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentverison\schedule
(caveat ! play with the Registry at your own risk)
I agree the error message is worthless. Unless your psychic. I've had earlier versions of DF where it would'nt work either and a few it seemed to work perfectly on. I'm not going to mess around to much with it. DF does its job otherwise and I really cant complain. I was just curious that it might be a bug in this version but if it works fine on your machine then its probally my machine. I thank you for replying.
Hey mta. I uninstalled DF with Revo uninstaller just for GP's. Re-installed from the piriform site and scheduling a scan is functional. AMAZING! That very informative error message has vanished. I drove the heathen to the fringes of the earth. Thanks again.
I'm having the same issue on a XP SP3 system. It's the same useless error described by the original poster so it would be pointless to post it again. I've tried uninstalling normally and using Revo Uninstaller and each time rebooting... same result. It's a mystery but the application simply will not work with the task scheduler.
Has anyone else come up with another solution? Reinstalling the OS is not going to be an option... I'll just find another solution in possibly Auslogics once again. Much appreciated.
have you guys looked to see if it is not a problem with the windows task scheduler? i only say this because one time i tried to schedule a task for another software and it never really recorded that task. i searched and shearched and i found out that somehow i did something that screwed up the windows task scheduler.
I have run into this with my Windows 7 Pro PC. I found my solution is to run CCleaner. I do both the regular cleaning and the registration fixer, and after a cold boot, I'm able to run the scheduler again and save a new scheduled defrag and shutdown. Works for me.