Shamus O'Reily McGregor, our new 9 week old Miniature Schnauzer. We got him yesterday and he's already won our hearts. Well, not so much the cats and our other dog, but they'll work it out. haha
Shamus O'Reily McGregor, our new 9 week old Miniature Schnauzer. We got him yesterday and he's already won our hearts. Well, not so much the cats and our other dog, but they'll work it out. haha
Hi there puppy! We just got a black Labrador puppy...about 8 weeks old. Female that's named Nell. Could only be with her for 2.5 days, and then I had to come back to school.
He looks full of mischief Lulu.
Hello Shamus!
That innocent look posing for the camera, a true star.
Hey puppy!
The innocent ones are always the ones you find in the hamper chewing on your dirty socks!
Oh he is definitely full of mischief! But luckily he's in that stage where he plays for 20-30 minutes and then passes out for about 5 hours. LOL And he is such a cuddler. If you leave the room, he has to be right behind you. If you're standing by the sink or whatever, he'll sit between your feet. He even tried to jump in the shower with me. I'm sure I won't think he's so cute when he takes off down the hallway with one of my sneakers though. haha
And to CT - that really sucks about having to leave the new pup. Black Labs are soooo beautiful. She'll probably be huge when you get to see her again.
And he is such a cuddler. If you leave the room, he has to be right behind you. If you're standing by the sink or whatever, he'll sit between your feet. He even tried to jump in the shower with me.
Makes me want to go out and get a dog. Just can't afford to feed another mouth right now...
Shamus O'Reily McGregor.
That's a name to conjour with, and he seems to like the camera.
Makes me want to go out and get a dog. Just can't afford to feed another mouth right now...
I know how you feel. We really can't afford it either, but mom really wanted him. Oh well, at least he doesn't eat a whole lot. lol
Shamus O'Reily McGregor.
That's a name to conjour with, and he seems to like the camera.
Haha I know. Such a long name for such a little guy. But it suits him. Go figure. lol
He looks like a bundle of fun. Pets are such a trip.
Oh he's loads of fun. And such a little hellion! He loves chasing the cats and biting their tails. lol
Acclimating he and my other dog has been harder than anticipated though. She's not very fond of him in the least. Not sure how things are gonna work out on that front...
Oh he's loads of fun. And such a little hellion! He loves chasing the cats and biting their tails. lol
Acclimating he and my other dog has been harder than anticipated though. She's not very fond of him in the least. Not sure how things are gonna work out on that front...
Probably just a little jealous... Hopefully her maternal instincts will kick in and she will let go and accept him... Dogs have feelings too!
Probably just a little jealous... Hopefully her maternal instincts will kick in and she will let go and accept him... Dogs have feelings too!
I hope so. She never had a problem with my neighbor's two nutty dogs running rampant in our house, but this little guy has her panties in bunch, so to speak. lol She seems like she's trying to accept him, but my dad said it will take time. What I don't like is that after he's been near her water and food bowls, she won't use them unless they've been cleaned out. Dad says she doesn't like his scent because he's not fixed yet. Not sure if that's the case or not, but it does make sense. So I guess we'll see what happens. If there is still animosity after he's fixed, I'll probably have to find him another home. I hate the thought of that, but my Gidget was here first so she holds rank. And I can't bare the thought of her being miserable all the time because of him. But hopefully they'll eventually be best buds. lol
The funny part about this pose is that his front leg was suspended in mid-air as he slept.
A few years ago a co-worker brought in a very young Teacup Yorkie she bought in Missouri. Teacup is an overstatement. This pup was (I'm not exaggerating) the size of a Twinkie. You could hold the entire dog in one cupped hand. And even though it was very young she was feisty as all get-out when she was awake. And because of her size she could make sudden moves that would almost defy gravity. She was hysterical to watch and play with. After 15 minutes of intense play she would nap for an hour.
A few years ago a co-worker brought in a very young Teacup Yorkie she bought in Missouri. Teacup is an overstatement. This pup was (I'm not exaggerating) the size of a Twinkie. You could hold the entire dog in one cupped hand. And even though it was very young she was feisty as all get-out when she was awake. And because of her size she could make sudden moves that would almost defy gravity. She was hysterical to watch and play with. After 15 minutes of intense play she would nap for an hour.
Haha that's hilarious! I love those Teacup Yorkies, but dogs that small wouldn't survive in my house. Plus, they tend to have more health problems than a regular runt. But they sure are cute. And there's nothing better than watching puppies (and kittens) play. As I write this Shamus is trying to steal my flip flop. lol
Yeah, I don't think it's wise to pair pups of significant size differences together. An older adult dog would be more patient with a smaller young pup, as long as you showed the older one more love and attention.
An older adult dog would be more patient with a smaller young pup, as long as you showed the older one more love and attention.
It all matters really the attitude the older dog has. About twenty five years ago we got a puppy and our older female dog attacked him as soon as he was put on the floor, which was more of a dominance thing than anything because she could've easily killed him. It worked too because he was instantly her subordinate and they were like the Dynamic Duo of get into any and everything, those two were a ruckus together, but both have passed on long ago.