Save as Text/XML options...

It would be nice if speccy had an option to export selected sections to the text or xml files. I am mostly interested in documenting my hardware so when I export my speccy report to a text file I usually go back and remove some information, running processes is the one section that comes to mind that I always remove.

Thanks for the great products.

until then, in Speccy, on the right side window, right click, Select All, and you can copy that either by the Copy to Clipboard or Ctrl+C method.

fire up Notepad (or similar) and paste.

mta if I understand bob okay he knows how to get info into text file or xml file, I think he just wants to be able to copy selected areas instead of everything.

ah yes, re-reading it and I have to agree with you.

sorry Bob for the confusion. (and my stupid response - I'll go now and play with my unicorn)