Safe for Deletion?

I recently downloaded CC Cleaner and I just ran my 2nd scan. I was suprised that it found over 1 gig of stuff, most of which are temp internet files and cookies. There are some dll's and exe's as well as Windows system files that I'm unsure of. Could someone please take a look to see if everything is safe to delete?

Since the list is so long, I didn't include the temp or cookie files.

Also, for my future reference, what are some files that I need to watch for that are UNSAFE for deletion?

The document is attached. The Registry files are at the beginning, followed by the rest of the scan analysis, minus temp internet files and cookies.

Thanks so much for your help.



I recently downloaded CC Cleaner and I just ran my 2nd scan. I was suprised that it found over 1 gig of stuff, most of which are temp internet files and cookies. There are some dll's and exe's as well as Windows system files that I'm unsure of. Could someone please take a look to see if everything is safe to delete?

Since the list is so long, I didn't include the temp or cookie files.

Also, for my future reference, what are some files that I need to watch for that are UNSAFE for deletion?

The document is attached. The Registry files are at the beginning, followed by the rest of the scan analysis, minus temp internet files and cookies.

Thanks so much for your help.


Hello sparksals,

You are a smart user to check out what you may be deleting. Always better to err on the "safe" side.

If I had a "Sandbox" I might download your list but I don't.

1 Gig is to be expected first time.It will be hard for anyone to tell about those .dll and .exe files etc.

Some users are unknowingly running programs and have data in Temp areas.

You need a simple backup method to be secure. You always do things a little at a time.Just uncheck things you don't want to touch for now.This includes what is in the Applications list.Both tabs are Analyzed or Cleaned at the same time.They are not separate.

Do you have a simple backup method? If not go here and read and do, before deleting anything. Any questions just ask.

The best way to undo something is always have a back-up.

Those who think they are soooo smart that they don't need back-ups are not so smart at all. The same goes for security programs and such.

Also go to Options > Cookies and save your cookies to your favorite sites.That is the ones that may have special logon data and such.

Also turn off the Adobe Flash Player cleaning until you have a chance to look into those Macromedia/Adobe files. Many "popular" websites store encrypted data (Flash cookies) there to log you in and such.

Good luck,

:) davey

P.S. Use only the Default options for now.DO NOT USE ANY Advanced cleaning options.DO NOT TOUCH THE REGISTRY OR TOOLS.At least not for now.

Deleted by Disk4mat

Most everything looks safe to remove. Pages 1 and 2 are all registry items looks like. Then numerous temp files, logs and Hotfix uninstalls. You may want to reference this thread about the hotfixes as the topic came up recently:

Otherwise I can see how all that added up.

Thanks Davey and disk4mat - I wondered if the hotfixes were safe to delete. I also learned alot from Davey's link. I normally don't think twice about installing updates and other things more than one at a time, but the info makes so much sense in terms of making troubleshooting easier.

I'm also glad I asked b/c I misinterpreted what Secure Backup meant. I thought it meant the backup was kept 'safe' and it would be easy to restore!

I've been working with computers for a long time. I can fix most issues that a novice user creates, but when it comes to internal workings, I know to stay far, far away!

Thanks again!