There are two files under Local Settings - Application Data - Apple Computer - Safari. They are 'Cache' and 'Safe Browsing.' Cache is a 172 MB file and Safe Browsing is a 15.4 MB file. CCleaner does not delete them. How to delete them with CCleaner?
Welcome to the forums !!! Thanks also for this information.
I am bumping this. There are others that can probably tell you how to do this using an Include entry or a
winapp2.ini entry until the developers get this updated.
Good luck, davey
P.S. I just want to verify that you do have the options set for Safari on the Applications tab.
The entries for Safari in the embedded winapp.ini file file do look a little different than what you describe.
If you do have the options checked and CCleaner it is not cleaning the files that you need, then the easiest thing for you to do is probably use the Options > Include > Add file for each file that you want cleaned.
You also need to set the option at Cleaner > Windows tab > Advanced cleaning options > Custom Files and Folders .
Welcome to the forums !!! Thanks also for this information.
I am bumping this. There are others that can probably tell you how to do this using an Include entry or a
winapp2.ini entry until the developers get this updated.
Good luck, davey
P.S. I just want to verify that you do have the options set for Safari on the Applications tab.
The entries for Safari in the embedded winapp.ini file file do look a little different than what you describe.
If you do have the options checked and CCleaner it is not cleaning the files that you need, then the easiest thing for you to do is probably use the Options > Include > Add file for each file that you want cleaned.
You also need to set the option at Cleaner > Windows tab > Advanced cleaning options > Custom Files and Folders .
Hai! Davey,
Thanks for the welcome and the reply. The options are set for Safari in the Applications tab. Also, included the files using Options > Include > Add file and also set the option at Cleaner > Windows tab > Advanced cleaning options > Custom Files and Folders. Still, it is not cleaning.
Also, earlier, Safari was installed in Partition G and Safari was not visible under the Applications tab.
1. The files are located in C: > Documents and Settings > Kartheek > Local Settings > Application Data > Apple Computer > Safari.
2. Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition, Version 2002, Service Pack 3.
3. v2.15.815 portable.
Earlier, was using a version earlier to this. Downloaded v2.15.815 just now. In this, added the files using 'Add File' and they are being cleaned.
Have downloaded the Embedded.ini file.
Also, there are three other files under C: > Documents and Settings > Kartheek > Local Settings > Application Data > Apple Computer > Safari. They are FontsList.plist which is a PLIST File, WebpageIcons which is a Data Base File like the Cache and SafeBrowsing and the other is a 'History' which is a File Folder.
Under 'History', there are many files. They are _i.cfs and _w.cfs which are CFS Files and 'deletable' and 'segments' which are File files. Now, after browsing for some time, there are other files there. They are _1f.cfs, _1y.cfs, _2c.cfs, _10.cfs, _10.del and the _w.cfs mentioned above is not there.
Thank you for the information that you have provided. We appreciate members like you.
Forgive me but I forgot to ask what version of Safari are you using ?
Thanks, davey
P.S. I am glad to know that it is working for you now.
I was also wondering. Since you are now using the latest version of CCleaner, does it automatically clean those Safari files without using the Include entries ?
Thank you for the information that you have provided. We appreciate members like you.
Forgive me but I forgot to ask what version of Safari are you using ?
Thanks, davey
P.S. I am glad to know that it is working for you now.
I was also wondering. Since you are now using the latest version of CCleaner, does it automatically clean those Safari files without using the Include entries ?
Hai! Davey,
1. Safari version is 3.2 (525.26.13).
2. No. It does not automatically clean those Safari files without the 'Include' entries.
3. Also, it does not remove it even if it is included in the 'Include' entries. After closing and opening CCleaner two times, it showed those files when the 'Analyze' button was pressed and then they were deleted.
You must also check the Advanced cleaning option at Cleaner > Windows tab > Advanced cleaning list > Custom Files and Folders . (The Include/Exclude feature was recently improved but as far as I know this option must still be checked for the Include cleaning option.) davey Hope this works for you.