Runs for hours

I have Windows 10 and when I run CCleaner, it gets to about 96% complete, then it starts "wiping ... free space" and I get the message that this process will take "10 hours", "22 hours" "15 hours", etc. The first time I got to this point, I just let it run and the next day I checked it and it had finally completed. I tried running it again today and the same thing happened. At this point, I cancelled the cleaning and after several minutes, it finally came back with a list of files that had been deleted and with the message that the cleaning had not completed. I have attached a screen shot of this

This is a recent problem, so I'm thinking it is related to my Windows 10 upgrade, perhaps. I just know this doesn't seem right and I would like some help to find out how to fix it.



to shorten the time taken for cc to complete, you need to disable "Wipe Free Space" option

Cleaner section > Windows > Advanced > remove the tick for "Wipe Free Space"

info about Wipe Free Space

Stopping Wipe Free Space before it ends can cause it to leave a huge file on the hard disk

in case this happen to you, read here