I have recently installed CCleaner.and have read the 'Getting started' article.
Reference is made to using the default settings.
Could some one please inform me what these default settings are
Thank you
I have recently installed CCleaner.and have read the 'Getting started' article.
Reference is made to using the default settings.
Could some one please inform me what these default settings are
Thank you
Can't remember, there would be too many to list, and it depends on your particular installation. I guess the answer is whatever you have on your fresh installation. If you want any advice (not always guaranteed to be good) on a specific setting then just ask.
I would go steady on the Registry cleaning, and also uninstalls and startup until you are more familiar and confident with CC. Also don't permanently tick a box that brings up a You will lose all Your Settings message.
Can't remember, there would be too many to list, and it depends on your particular installation. I guess the answer is whatever you have on your fresh installation. If you want any advice (not always guaranteed to be good) on a specific setting then just ask.
I would go steady on the Registry cleaning, and also uninstalls and startup until you are more familiar and confident with CC. Also don't permanently tick a box that brings up a You will lose all Your Settings message.
I have seen a similar answer else where in the forum i.e 'whatever you have on your fresh installation' or 'as it is out of the box'
But like others I have 'messed about' with the original settings.
It is a pity that we cannot see a picture of what those originals setting were, perhaps, some where on this forum or in the help documents.
However thank you for your comments
Kind regards
This is (more or less) the default settings:
However I am using the portable version (last screenshot is slightly different for installed version).
This is (more or less) the default settings:
However I am using the portable version (last screenshot is slightly different for installed version).
Excellent !
Thank you very much
I am sure the information will be of use to others ' new' users
I would say that's a very good interpretation of what "default" settings should be for new users. Nice post anonymous.
And sound advice from Augeas also.
I would go steady on the Registry cleaning, and also uninstalls and startup until you are more familiar and confident with CC. Also don't permanently tick a box that brings up a You will lose all Your Settings message.
I'll bookmark this thread guys.