RUNDLL ? Error in InetCpl.cpl

This error message appears as soon as CCleaner starts and after each cleaning process.

The full message is RUNDLL ? Error in InetCpl.cpl Missing entry: ClearMyTrackByProcess.

Any ideas for a fix? I tried downloading the program again which was no help.

Which version of windows are you using xp or vista?

Which version of Internet Explorer are you usiing?

Have you used ccleaner before or is this a new problem?

If you have a disk, running the system file checker can sometimes fix this.

Which version of windows are you using xp or vista?

Which version of Internet Explorer are you usiing?

Have you used ccleaner before or is this a new problem?

If you have a disk, running the system file checker can sometimes fix this.

I have the same error on my netbook using xp sp3, ie v8.00.6001 and ccleaner v2.19.900

My S10 doesn't come with xp system disk or recovery disk. Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance!

I have the same error.


XP Pro version 2002 SP 2

any help would be greatly appreciated

There's a sugested fix outlined here, which involves reinstalling Internet Explorer:

The file is part of IE, so doing this could fix things. You can get instructions on doing that from here:;displaylang=en

If you do this, make sure you get the download for the correct version of IE, and your Operating System. The various alternatives are down the page.

Hope that helps.

I have been getting this error message and after trying to uninstall ie7, which the system would not allow me to do and trying to recreate the file from my system disc which took forever and still didn't work I have installed ie8 and the problem has gone as ie8 removes ie7 during installation. Hope this is helpful. I have xphome sp3.


Hi Paul, and welcome to Piriform.

That information will most definitely be helpful to others with a similar problem. Thanks for posting it.

Uninstalling IE7 usually means a roll back to IE6, but as Windows wouldn't let you do that, you could probably have reinstalled IE7 straight over the current installation. This would probably have fixed the problem as well.

I'm pleased however, that you got it fixed in the end, and thanks again for taking the trouble to post your findings.

Hi Paul, and welcome to Piriform.

That information will most definitely be helpful to others with a similar problem. Thanks for posting it.

Uninstalling IE7 usually means a roll back to IE6, but as Windows wouldn't let you do that, you could probably have reinstalled IE7 straight over the current installation. This would probably have fixed the problem as well.

I'm pleased however, that you got it fixed in the end, and thanks again for taking the trouble to post your findings.

Hi Dennis, glad to help, it would be nice to know what caused the error as I have been using Firefox for 2 yrs and this problem only came to light in the last month or so.

Hi Dennis, glad to help, it would be nice to know what caused the error as I have been using Firefox for 2 yrs and this problem only came to light in the last month or so.

Even though you use Firefox, I.E. is still busy in the background, hence the need to apply I.E. security patches even though you never launch I.E.

Perhaps an I.E. security patch did this to you

I forget the precise details, but I think I remember Firefox was broken or bent out of shape a some weeks ago,

when a M.S. update exceeded expectations and gave Firefox an Add-on / Plug-in or some such thing.

My interpretation is that M.S. wish to have similar protection in I.E. as Firefox and could not jump that high,

so they crippled Firefox down to the same level ! !
