Run DLL error

I purchased CCleaner to help help correct a run dll error "Error in C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\DLCJtime.dll Missing entry:RunDLLEntry". I have run the program to no avail. Still have the error upon start up. Although it does not seem to affect me in any other way, it is quite annoying.

What am I doing wrong - a friend said to purchase it and run it and it will correct the issue, immediately.

Where did you buy it from? Ccleaner is totally free.

Also have a read here and see if it is similar to what you have also if you have a dell printer.

Where did you buy it from? Ccleaner is totally free.

Also have a read here and see if it is similar to what you have also if you have a dell printer.

Sorry, by "Buy" I meant that I couldn't seem to get around the $20 requested donation. I also purchased sofware called Quad Registry Cleaner and one calle Registry Fix 7...all to no avail...still a rundll error on every startup?

I appreciate your link, I do have a Dell 964 All in One printer, and as suggested I disabled the dlcjmon in the start up menu, but I still get the error.

Anything else you might suggest?

Not sure where you went where you think you couldn't get around the donation :(

Try to reinstall the Dell printer.

Have you tried this solution

Also, while your at it make sure to read my signature for advice of registry editing

Your link isn't working for me Nergal, but the fix for the problem is also here:

Dell Solution Network: Knowledge Base Article:

It includes the Dell 964 All in One printer.

Your link isn't working for me Nergal

Probably the forum software chopping the link up by abbreviating it, it happens with long links.

3\DLCJTime.dll error for Dell printer????????

In Device Manager, Uninstall all the USB ports, Restart the computer.

Once you return to desktop the AddNewHardware manager will find and re-install all the USB devices.

Make SURE you do NOT use any OLD drivers when prompted.