Run Ccleaner when computer starts

I am a newcomer to using CCleaner and so far it has worked really well - except for one snag.

I have ticked the box in Options / Settings / Run CCleaner when computer starts

However, there's no sign that it runs when I start my computer and if I run it manually after starting the computer it finds the usual sort of errors - which kind of implies that it did not run when the computer started.

It seems a kind of basic thing - anyone know what I'm doing wrong ??

Your help would be appreciated.

Hello purplebus and welcome to the forum. :)

When you say it finds the usual sort of errors , do you mean in the "issues" bit?

Thanks for your welcome.

The detected errors can be in the Cleaner or Issues section (depends what I was doing previously) - but usually in the Cleaner section

It will clean everything you have check marked in the 'Cleaner' section, it's the same as running (you won't see anything on screen it runs silently in the background):

"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO

It won't however ever run the 'Issues' scanner automatically, that must be done via the application manually for obvious reason, one being if you wish to make a registry backup of the detected issues found in the registry.