Run CCleaner in tray

I'm portuguese, so i hope you understand my bad english :P

I use CCleaner, and for the Recyclin Bin, i execute "Run CCleaner" and CCleaner has run in tray. It's good idea, but after double-click in icon, open the application, but i can't put in tray again.

So in here, i suggest to after open the application, we(users) can put the CCleaner run in tray again.

sorry once again for the bad english.


Wellcome to Pifirforum sMk.

I'm portuguese, so i hope you understand my bad english :P

I use CCleaner, and for the Recyclin Bin, i execute "Run CCleaner" and CCleaner has run in tray. It's good idea, but after double-click in icon, open the application, but i can't put in tray again.

So in here, i suggest to after open the application, we(users) can put the CCleaner run in tray again.

It only goers to the systray when CC in minimised. Thats if you have the Minimize to System Tray ticked in Options\Advanced. Once its in the systray you just double-click the icon to restore it again.

Your English is understandable I wouldn't worry about that. ;)

Wellcome to Pifirforum sMk.

It only goers to the systray when CC in minimised. Thats if you have the Minimize to System Tray ticked in Options\Advanced. Once its in the systray you just double-click the icon to restore it again.

Your English is understandable I wouldn't worry about that. ;)

Thanks about my english, and thaks for welcome.

I'm sorry, i see that feature in v2.17.853, for me is new.. and i has surprise because is a good thing. you right, i don't see in the options, the option to put CC in systray.

Thanks for help.

I'm sorry, i see that feature in v2.17.853, for me is new.. and i has surprise because is a good thing. you right, i don't see in the options, the option to put CC in systray.

Well the systray icon had been available for the past couple of versions and it enabled if you use Options\Advanced and Minimize to System Tray ticked.

If you say I'm sorry, i see that feature in v2.17.853, for me is new then you say you right, i don't see in the options, the option to put CC in systray. I don't know why you can't see this if your using v2.17.853. ;)

Well the systray icon had been available for the past couple of versions and it enabled if you use Options\Advanced and Minimize to System Tray ticked.

If you say I'm sorry, i see that feature in v2.17.853, for me is new then you say you right, i don't see in the options, the option to put CC in systray. I don't know why you can't see this if your using v2.17.853. ;)

I know the CC for cleaner.. and usually, like now, i didn't go to settings to verify this. I like this application because it is good tool in Maintenance of my computer.

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