Run at shutdown option

I would like to suggest a Run at Shutdown option

I would like to suggest a Run at Shutdown option

What's the difference with "Run at Startup"? :blink:

What's the difference with "Run at Startup"? :blink:

I don't care how long the thing takes to shutdown but of course do care bout boot time

There's a batch file at the end of the first post located in which will allow CC to run during shutdown.

There's a batch file at the end of the first post located in which will allow CC to run during shutdown.

Thanks for the tip about the batch file mate, I shall try it imeeediately 1

Firtsly, please accept any apology due for any protocol abuse, as in my haste to reply to the suggestion about the batch file I didn't notice the request in RED !.... not to pm me....sorry bout that ....not being conversant in the dark arts of computer science my question is ...having unzipped the batch file and placed it in the CCleaner folder in C:/program files does the CCleaner execute on normal shutdown automatically or is the shortcut to that batch file that I have placed on my desktop now become the shutdown exe for the computer which in turn executes the CCleaner prior to actual shutdown. If the latter is the case, do I have to see the command screen and warning ( the computer will shutdown in x seconds unless etc ) ? just seems a little undignified ! thanks

Hope that batch file also ensures that the box 'files older than 48hours' is checked. Otherwise, downloaded programs or updates in the temp directories that require a reboot to activate will be lost.

Firtsly, please accept any apology due for any protocol abuse, as in my haste to reply to the suggestion about the batch file I didn't notice the request in RED !.... not to pm me....sorry bout that ....not being conversant in the dark arts of computer science my question is ...having unzipped the batch file and placed it in the CCleaner folder in C:/program files does the CCleaner execute on normal shutdown automatically or is the shortcut to that batch file that I have placed on my desktop now become the shutdown exe for the computer which in turn executes the CCleaner prior to actual shutdown. If the latter is the case, do I have to see the command screen and warning ( the computer will shutdown in x seconds unless etc ) ? just seems a little undignified ! thanks

To run CCleaner at shutdown initiate the batch file by double clicking it. (it will run CCleaner, once finished cleaning it will initiate a shutdown)

If you would like to lessen the time that you see that "Windows is Shutting Down" notification:

Right click the batch file and click edit, look for:

shutdown -s -t 30 -c "Windows will shutdown shortly"

And change the 30 to whatever you wish as low a 0 if you want.

If you do set it to 0 you will have NO chance to cancel the shutdown if you initiated it accidentally


@ MikeW

Hope that batch file also ensures that the box 'files older than 48hours' is checked. Otherwise, downloaded programs or updates in the temp directories that require a reboot to activate will be lost.

this is the batch file (it only runs CCleaner.exe /AUTO , then shutsdown the pc, those file should not be harmed)

@echo off"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTOshutdown -s -t 30 -c "Windows will shutdown shortly"echo.echo To abort the Windows shutdown press any keyecho on the keyboard before the shutdown timer expires,echo otherwise don't press any keyboard buttons.echo.pauseshutdown -aclsexit

Hope that batch file also ensures that the box 'files older than 48hours' is checked. Otherwise, downloaded programs or updates in the temp directories that require a reboot to activate will be lost.

The batch file can only launch CCleaner, it knows nothing of the CCleaner settings, etc. So in short the end-user will have to have CCleaner properly configured via the CCleaner options.

how do I edit the batch file so that I dont see the command line screen and go straight on to shuitdown ( I've so far found out how to change the shutdown time to zero seconds but still see the command screen )

how do I edit the batch file so that I dont see the command line screen and go straight on to shuitdown ( I've so far found out how to change the shutdown time to zero seconds but still see the command screen )

Ok. Right Click the shortcut (not the actual batch file), click properties, go to the "shortcut" tab,

go down to where it says Run: Normal and change it to Minimized.


NOTE: The command window will still be there, but now unobtrusively minimized out of the way.



Hope that batch file also ensures that the box 'files older than 48hours' is checked. Otherwise, downloaded programs or updates in the temp directories that require a reboot to activate will be lost.

The batch file can only launch CCleaner, it knows nothing of the CCleaner settings, etc. So in short the end-user will have to have CCleaner properly configured via the CCleaner options.

Thanks for clearing that up Andavari, thanks for pointing that out, I didn't realize that :unsure: .