Run Another Program?

I have a simple need: run CCleaner with /auto /shutdown to shutdown the computer, but have ccleaner run another program before it shuts down my computer. I know you can run a vb script this way, but my program is not in visual basic. Perhaps I can sneak in another program by writing it is something to `clean' ?

Well, if all else fails, you could run your program from the vbs script, using Windows Scripting Host?s WshShell.Run() method.

To run a .vbs script, the WSH must be enabled, though. (But it will probably be enabled anyway on about 90% of all systems out there. Sigh.)

To run a .vbs script, the WSH must be enabled, though. (But it will probably be enabled anyway on about 90% of all systems out there. Sigh.)

I have WSH disabled on my system so double clicking .VBS scripts won't work - however I can still launch my scripts using a command prompt or shortcut, like this example:

%windir%\system32\wscript.exe "E:\some folder\some scripts\script.vbs"

Andavari: Good point. About in the Eighties, I swore never to touch BASIC again and, frankly, don?t like Microsoft?s BASIC variants at all, so I tend to forget about these things.

So if CCleaner somehow executes wscript.exe (or whatever equivalent function) when encountering "ScriptKeyX" (instead of just hoping some kind of shell will do the job), Howard could still reach his goal this way. A little clumsy, perhaps, but possibly working. One might have to try this out.

My All User desktop has a SHUTDOWN link that launches my BAT script.

My script runs some odd jobs (including ERUNT registry backup) and then runs CCleaner in /AUTO /SHUTDOWN mode.

It all happens and the computer is shut down whilst I clean my teeth and prepare for bed.



My All User desktop has a SHUTDOWN link that launches my BAT script.

My script runs some odd jobs (including ERUNT registry backup) and then runs CCleaner in /AUTO /SHUTDOWN mode.

It all happens and the computer is shut down whilst I clean my teeth and prepare for bed.



Yes I thought of this - I could actually, create a shortcut with a hotkey to a simple batch file, run my closing programs in it, run ccleaner /auto and even a final little program to shut down the computer, of which there are manu. Call my picky, but it seemed clumsy to start an einstance of the command shell, and run several programs -- when one program had a shutdown option. More artistic to use the one program to do closing tasks. But running a special shell, just to run a vb script, which itself just runs my program -- aint too artistic either!

But running a special shell, just to run a vb script, which itself just runs my program -- aint too artistic either!

Hee, hee. So true! :D