you can try going to My Network Places and seeing if there is anything there, if your router is listed in a folder then on that folder. but you will need a Username and Password to view your settings, thats why we need to know what brand your router is.
Thanks for the reply. I have been all over this thing looking for info. Network Places, Control Panel, everywhere I can think of.
The brand id Zonet. Probably a throw away type. Paid $24.95 for it somewhere and have forgotten where. Had it long time before installing. A friend did that.
No paperwork at all. "I can see on the Router the following: Zonet Cable/DSL broadband Router, Auto-MDIX Switch, NAT SOHO Firewall, model ZSR0104CP, with 4-Port switch." That's all the information I can furnish.
Another friend, guessing, told me to put the gateway number into IE and it would bring it up. That make any sense?
I have the Blue Router. Page won't open see attachment:
Please disregard my reply to your last post. I didn't read it proper and was putting the wrong dns in. Thanks a lot for the information. Would never have made it without your help.
Not just that. Don't Google search it. Enter it into your address bar. It should read or going by the IPs MP has said.
Not just that. Don't Google search it. Enter it into your address bar. It should read or going by the IPs MP has said.
Thanks to both. It's quiet interesting. I'm going to have to do some research to try to find a user manual. According to the data in the Router (see at ch) it appears the Firewall is disabled! Do you read it as such?
I'm really smart! Forgot the atch. It's there not.
im not familair with your brand of router, in fact i never heard of it before. if you browse around the link that i provided above you can see if you can download or at least read a user manual for your router.