Rogue AV Tactics Continue to Threaten

Rogue AV Tactics Continue to Threaten

by Macky Cruz (Technical Communications)

October has just begun and Trend Micro threat researchers keep seeing more and more ? slightly different, but yet increasingly more annoying ? variations to the set of rogue AV infection signals we have been documenting on this blog.

Malware Close Encounters - Close Pop-ups using Task Manager to safely exit

The AntiVirus 2009 attacks are particularly troublesome as they can download and install silently on a PC by just visiting a website. However, the payload still requires a mouse click when the Antivirus pop-up suddenly appears stating the user has an infection. These are very advanced malware attacks. They are difficult to prevent, detect, and clean. Avoidance is your best defense.

eh pr0n.

eh pr0n.

That's just it, you don't even have to visit a "pr0n" site to get the "offer" for a rogue AV. Just using a search engine can result in multiple searches on a page that only result into rogue b.s. like "your system is infected."

I agree with using CTRL+ALT+DEL to get out of those Windows, hence you don't know what their "close" button will do.