Robot Nurses

ROBOT nurses could be bustling around hospital wards in as little as three years.

The mechanised "angels" - being developed by EU-funded scientists - will perform basic tasks such as mopping up spillages, taking messages and guiding visitors to hospital beds.

They could also be used to distribute medicines and even monitor the temperature of patients remotely with laser thermometers.

Working in teams, the intelligent robots will be able to communicate with each other and co-ordinate their duties.

Scientists from the universities of Warwick, Cardiff, Dublin and Newcastle are among the engineers and software experts taking part in the "IWARD" project. They aim to have a three-robot prototype system ready by 2010.

It is hoped the machines will ease pressure on hospitals and free staff to spend more time with patients.


My other half is into hospital this Friday for quite a major operation. Our hospital is in Sunderland, about 10 miles south of Newcastle.

We were there today for her pre op checks, and the senior nurse who was taking her through the procedures, and has over 30 years service, was telling us she is on the list of imminent redundancy's, although her department is already short staffed.

It is hoped the machines will ease pressure on hospitals and free staff to spend more time with patients.

The truth is the machines will free up staff to look for other jobs.


An emotionless dumb metallic robot, exactly what I need when I am in the hospital dieing...

An emotionless dumb metallic robot, exactly what I need when I am in the hospital dieing...

Yeah and imagine a virus infected robot that doesn't try to cure patients and instead does them in. Although they could be very useful in the event of a pandemic infectious virus outbreak where they could be the only sort of care someone may obtain without risking infection upon a human medical staff. It isn't like there aren't already robots in hospitals as they have robots in some delivering the meals to patients, and others are for maintenance such as mopping the floor.