Could someone please explain to me what "roaming" means when it comes up in listed file results when running "Analyze". This has come up when Analyzing: Recent Documents, Applications, Office 2013, Picasa 3 & Google Toolbar IE. "Roaming" comes up in files I would Not want to delete & also haven't used in quite a while. Thank you. </p>
I guess you mean files with the path c:\Users\Me\AppData\Roaming\etc...? Some Windows temp files, I don't know what part they play in the grand plan. None of my roaming files have any meaningful or relevant names.
the only time I see ...\Roaming\... files is from my Custom entries. mainly log files and Apple backups.
I assume your PC is (or was) part of a domain network - that is, it connects to a server and you log on with a username/password (and a domain name is also shown on the login window)?
The Roaming folder, I believe, is where Windows puts your personal files so that they are available on whatever PC you may log onto when part of a Domain, as say, compared to a normal workgroup environment.
If you aren't part of a Domain, I'd be chasing up why my files in in the AppData\roaming folder as you probably aren't looking there to backup your files.
I don't have no server. My roaming files are cookies and a few bits from DOMStore, whatever that is. There's an article on CC and roaming at which mifght be of help.
I read the above link. Thank you. The article did not mention this specifically, but based on what the article did say, perhaps I have these Roaming files because of a computer share? Meaning where I have remotely let someone else take over my computer in order to assist me with something. Also, I had 2 laptops crash this spring. My new laptop has all from previous laptops transferred to it. Would these possible computer share files transfer with data to my new laptop? All transfers & shares were done by professionals. Some of these files I have accessed recently & some not in a long time. I am the only one on my laptop & am not connected to any other computer or network. My concern is, these roaming files shown after "Analyzing" include important file names/locations such as tax files, documents & photos. I want to understand why they are included in a roaming file. Secondly, if it is alright to allow CCleaner to delete them, leaving All original files & data intact? Thank you.
Into that folder might be placed things like default templates, configuration files, and other support data that applications might use that a) might be different for other users of the machine, and aren’t your actual working documents.
you should only read "AppData\Roaming at home" if you're not connected to any corporate environment
My concern is, these roaming files shown after "Analyzing" include important file names/locations such as tax files, documents & photos. I want to understand why they are included in a roaming file. Secondly, if it is alright to allow CCleaner to delete them, leaving All original files & data intact? Thank you.
might be Recent Document
if the file name ended with .lnk extension, it is Recent Document