Right-click drive wipe

Why not include the option to add a right click wipe drive option in CCleaner?

User could pre-select the option of how many times to wipe a drive, + whether the entire drive is erased.

CCleaner would still prompt for the ERASE dialogue box, but it would make 7 click operations into a 2 clicks.


Normally, you double click CCleaner to open it. That's 2 clicks.

Then you click yes to run it from the UAC promt. That's 3.

Then you click tools/drive wiper/checkmark the drive to wipe/click wipe.

That is 4 more right there.


If you do 30 external drives (like I am wiping right now from old computers), then that adds up.

That's 210 clicks in a potentially 60 click operation, if you figure right click each drive, choose erase... (30 drives X 2)...

That's 150 clicks saved!

Any chance of this neat feature?

Thank you!