Restoring Sound after Driver Update Win 8.1 - 64 bit

Hi there:

I updated drivers yesterday via CCleaner and now I have no sound, I am thinking I need to restore the previous drivers related to sound.

When I click on Driver Updater (see attached), it says there are four sound related drivers.

The audio drivers are selected, but the Revert Selected button is not available to click.

What am I missing?

Thank you,



As it says in your screenshot "Select any driver to revert it to a previous condition" - you have to first select a driver(s) for restoration before the button becomes active.

There should be a tickbox to the left of each driver name.

See this article for more info on reverting drivers if something has gone wrong with a driver update:

From that article:

  1. Quote
    		<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
    			<ol start="3"><li>
    					Select the checkboxes next to the driver categories and or the drivers you want to revert.
    					Click<strong> Revert Selected</strong> to begin the process of reverting the chosen drivers

Unfortunately, there were no check boxes to the left of the driver categories to choose from.

I lost the sound after updating the drivers in CCleaner.

I resolved by following the advice to click on Find and Fix Problems under System and Security in the Control Panel of Win 8.1.

It applied troubleshooting to audio playback and now I have sound again.

Passing this along in case it helps someone else.


Thanks for the feedback.

I've never used the Driver Updater myself, so never had to use the recovery option, but from the support article I think the tickboxes should be there?

That may depend on if you have the latest CC version installed?

@Dave CCleaner any insight on this further than what it says in the FAQ article?

Hi, I have a similar problem (no sound after updating drivers). I have tried the revert option, but I still have no sound. What else can I do?


There's some additional information in the article Nukecad provided ( for convenience) - the System Restore option would be the next option you'd want to try.

If you continue having trouble after exhausting the advice in this article, please get in touch with our support team by using the Contact Us form linked at the bottom of the article, or by emailing directly so that the matter can be looked into further.