I have used CCleaner, now I want to restore the files. I have been crashing.
Instruction > Right-click on the .REG file created and select 'Merge'
Problem > merge is not one of the choices when I right click.
I get the usual choices....open with, email with Yahoo, send to, etc Clicked on properties and did not see any help there.
Thanks in advance for any help.
As hazelnut says backup files have a reg extension. You don't need to merge any backup file. Just double-click on the file and you will be asked buy Registry Editor Are you sure you want to add the information in filename.reg to the registry? If that doesn't show then its not a reg file. It sounds like you have inadvertantly change the file extension.
the file name that I show is cc_20080529_0529.reg Regedit Document
When I went to the properties tab is showed as open with unknow application.
I don't know what to use to open it. A little sloppy mouse handling on my part has resulted in it now reading Open with PhotoShop...... Of course that doesn't work.
My computer seem to be working better since I used the Recovery option of reverting to a previous restore date. I will want to wait a few days to see if the problem has really been cleared up. That resulted in a number of files that had to be renamed. I accepted that prompt.
I'll do a bit of home work on file extentions and from now on I will be more careful with anything to do with the registry.
Ok then if its a reg file use Notepad to open it. Start Notepad which a new clean screen and copy an paste all the text in your reg file into the new Notepad file and Save As CCleaner.reg or what ever filename you what to use providing it has a reg extension. Then just double-click on this saved reg file to put the info back into the registry, click Yes to add.
No. I had not done that yet. After reading your reply I did rename the file adding .regedit document and tried using Word as the program to open the file. After that when I right clicked I then had the added choice of ?edit?. That did work.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 and then 34 pages of ?edits?
That accomplished, I am not planning to take any action unless the sys locks up again.
No. I had not done that yet. After reading your reply I did rename the file adding .regedit document and tried using Word as the program to open the file. After that when I right clicked I then had the added choice of ?edit?. That did work.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 and then 34 pages of ?edits?
That accomplished, I am not planning to take any action unless the sys locks up again.
Hi Tcar,
I think you missed Hazel's point.By adding anything after .reg then the file will not be recognized as a Registration Entries file.
That is why when you looked into Properties it was an Unknown file type.
I would suggest leaving the registry alone unless you have a known problem calling for a specific solution.
If you do want to restore that file Right click on it and Rename it (take off the added verbiage from the end of the name).IT must end in .reg . Now right click on that file and if it still does not give you the Merge option,then answer Hazelnut's original question.
"Are you xp or vista? Your reg file associations may need restoring." Then reply back here and hazelnut will give you a solution.