Restoring recovered files

I have a problem that seems similar to others on this forum. Unfortunately, from what I see there have not been

very helpful answers to this issue. I was able to locate some accidentally deleted files from the TEMP folder.

But when I tried to restore them, I got a message that stated that Windows did know how to open them. They are

.bib files created with the jabref bibliography program and tried to open them with no success. I have opened

them up with the jedit code editor, but all I see is raw code. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I tried to

attach a sample file, but I got a message saying "You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file"

What happens if you open notepad and then do file> open.

Change the drop down arrow to select 'all files' and then browse to where you have your recovered .bib files.

Will they open?

What happens if you open notepad and then do file> open.

Change the drop down arrow to select 'all files' and then browse to where you have your recovered .bib files.

Will they open?


I love you!!! I just got one to open in English, not garbage. Not quite the ideal format, but good enough.

It's been a rough several days, but I have to say of the twenty odd recovery freeware appsI have tried Recuva

was the most successful in locating the largest number of files. Lesson learned, I hope.

With deepest gratitude,


That's great news Christopher :)

Now get those files backed up!!

That's great news Christopher :)

Now get those files backed up!!


I am ashamed to say that I spoke too soon. As I said, I was able to open up one lost file in English, however

I could not open up any of the others. They are in useless code. What is the next step? Sorry for the false dawn.

Well Chris I'm afraid that was the only option I could think of at the time :(

Perhaps someone else my chip in with another idea.


I am ashamed to say that I spoke too soon. As I said, I was able to open up one lost file in English, however

I could not open up any of the others. They are in useless code. What is the next step? Sorry for the false dawn.

Try using wordpad instead of notepad as it may be able to open files that notepad is not.

Notepad, however, is faster.

Additionally, you may try Abiword, which is a free text editing program that was successful in opening w98 word files that WXP would not, simply because of using a different method of creating/opening texts.

Abiword can open files sometimes that win word has problems opening. Try it & post your results here.



I am ashamed to say that I spoke too soon. As I said, I was able to open up one lost file in English, however

I could not open up any of the others. They are in useless code. What is the next step? Sorry for the false dawn.

Hi, chrisrobinson. This is a wild swing by a not too tekkie type, but you might try "Peek". If it doesn't work it won't hurt anything. Look HERE at post 369.

Would be very interested to know if it works.