I am ashamed to say that I spoke too soon. As I said, I was able to open up one lost file in English, however
I could not open up any of the others. They are in useless code. What is the next step? Sorry for the false dawn.
Try using wordpad instead of notepad as it may be able to open files that notepad is not.
Notepad, however, is faster.
Additionally, you may try Abiword, which is a free text editing program that was successful in opening w98 word files that WXP would not, simply because of using a different method of creating/opening texts.
Abiword can open files sometimes that win word has problems opening. Try it & post your results here.
I am ashamed to say that I spoke too soon. As I said, I was able to open up one lost file in English, however
I could not open up any of the others. They are in useless code. What is the next step? Sorry for the false dawn.
Hi, chrisrobinson. This is a wild swing by a not too tekkie type, but you might try "Peek". If it doesn't work it won't hurt anything. Look HERE at post 369.