I've just restored some deleted avi-files under Windows 7 out of the receycle bin and chosen the root directory of my disk D: as the recovery-location. Revuva has restored these files and the diskspace of disk D: has shrunken by exactely the size of these files but I can't find them anywhere. No restored files, no restored directory structure. I've repeated the procedure severeal times, always the same result. And now I'd like to have my disk space back.
If I choose a subdirectory of D: then recuva restores the diretory structure of $RECYCLE.BIN and therein a folder "S-1-5-21-2......" in which i can find the restored file.
Well I've deactivated "Hide protected operating system files" in the explorer options, so that I can see the hidden $RECYCLE.BIN of disk D: and it shows me a size of 512 MB though I've just emptied it. The folder "S-1-5-21-2......" is also in there but I can't access it (even not logged in as admin). Seems that the restored files are in this subfolder? But it's size is zero bytes.
The two restored files should rather have a size ob about 450MB as far as I can remember.
Anyway these restored nowhere-to-find-phantom-files are there anywhere and assume disk space and i want to get rid of them. Can anyone help me??
Thanks Alan. WizTree showed me that the three files were indeed in d:\$RECYCLE.BIN\S-1-5-21-2...... But I couldn' delete them with wiztree, even not when logged in as administrator. Though the access to that folder was denied via windows explorer I could nontheless delete that entire folder. So the problem ist solved after two annoying hours now.
I have no idea what the actual problem was now. I thought when restoring files out of the recycled bin, recuva would always restore the folder structure of the respective files former location at the chosen restoring location. At any rate I'll never again choose the root directory of a disk as restoring location
Did you actually check the "Restore folder structure" box in "Options\Actions\Recovery"?
I've always had that box checked so can't remember if it's actually unchecked by default.
Another helpful setting, I believe, is to set the "View mode" in "Options\General" to "Tree view", which will display, where possible, the result of a scan in the same folder structure that the files originally occupied. This can help if you're after certain files and you know their original location.