Restore security settings in XP Home

Does anyone know how to restore the security settings in XP Home (not Pro)?

Does anyone know how to restore the security settings in XP Home (not Pro)?

Do you mean the Security Center - Automatic Updates, Windows Firewall and Internet Options?

Do you mean the Security Center - Automatic Updates, Windows Firewall and Internet Options?

I did a windows repair install, without uninstalling IE7 first. It messed up IE completely. I finally got that fixed, but now I can't do any updates. When I click on windows update, it tries to install "Windows installer 3.1", but then gives me an error message "access denied".

I found a solution to this for XP Pro, but it doesn't work for XP Home.

May be some help at the link below but seems a bit complicated as most MS articles are.

MS article

If you performed a repair installation of Windows XP but did not uninstall Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer will not run. To troubleshoot this issue, follow these steps.
May be some help at the link below but seems a bit complicated as most MS articles are.

MS article

I followed those steps to fix my first problem - where IE was messed up. The result is my new problem where the Windows Installer is now hosed.

Have you tried Dial-a-fix?

Have you tried Dial-a-fix?

I just tried it. No luck.