I am using the latest version of CCleaner v3.28.1913 64-bit on a Windows 8 Desktop PC and I cannot restore (Merge) by registry backups. I am getting the following error (see attachment)
What is the problem? Please help.
I am using the latest version of CCleaner v3.28.1913 64-bit on a Windows 8 Desktop PC and I cannot restore (Merge) by registry backups. I am getting the following error (see attachment)
What is the problem? Please help.
It looks like you don't have permissions to access the registry.
yup, I concur with Winnie. Please run regedit as an administrator and remerge.
my apologies if you already know, but with us all being relatively new to Win8, in case you don't know, or for others for future reference.
to get into RegEdit as Administrator (or most things for that matter)
hit the Windows key on your keyboard
just start typing regedit, it should find it in the apps
right click it, then down along the bottom, select Run as Administrator