I mistakenly used the simple cleanup insteadd of the advanced and deleted history on Firefox. Can I restore deleted history?
I'm afraid not.
As one of the reasons for using CCleaner is to free up disk space then making a backup of deleted files would defeat the object, because the backup would then take as much space as the deleted files.
However if you have your Firefox synced, then your history will be stored in your Firefox account in the cloud (their servers) and you should be able to restore if from there by logging in to your Firefox account and re-syncing it.
This explains how to use syncing in Firefox.
Firefox Sync is not intended to be used as a "backup service". As noted in the article which was linked - "Important: Sync is not a data backup service. Users should continue to perform regular backups of their Firefox profiles to prevent loss of data." At best, Sync is a temporary transfer service of data between devices.
Please don't rely on Sync to save your data. Regular backups of your profile is uncomplicated and can save you hours of frustration.
See: Back up and restore information in Firefox profiles - https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/back-and-restore-information-firefox-profiles
Nobody suggested using sync as a backup. - It was merely a suggestion that may have helped the OP recover their history in that particular instance.