Restore / Backup

Hello User

In effect, I am a Newcomer / an OldMen; my mother tongue is germen.

Now, I have a question after reading the FAQ regarding the theme "how do I restore registry backup". I have red (in short words): Right-Click on .reg / Merge. The dates are "saved into the "my document folder" (not found by me).

I beg your pardon. But I am not able to find the dates. I have taken the liberty to go to "search" (in German: Suchen) and marked "*reg." I got approximately 183 dates. Are these dates the backup in question? Could I press the bottom "Merge" (in German: Zusammenf?hren") and the Backup is o.k. Or in other words: What ist the correct path to restore the dates?

What should I do if I have the impression to clean the dates definitely?

I am so sorry to have this problem not resolved. Any way, many thanks for your kind assistance.


If you messed up your registry, then yes, you can restore (Zusammenf?hren) your registry from the search (suchen) window view.

Hello, und willkommen beim CC Forum!

CCleaner saves the registry backup files by default in the My Documents folder, in this format


cc is a constant, then yyyymmdd is the date and hhmm the time of the backup. If you cannot find them in My Documents, try a search for cc*.reg