Hello User
In effect, I am a Newcomer / an OldMen; my mother tongue is germen.
Now, I have a question after reading the FAQ regarding the theme "how do I restore registry backup". I have red (in short words): Right-Click on .reg / Merge. The dates are "saved into the "my document folder" (not found by me).
I beg your pardon. But I am not able to find the dates. I have taken the liberty to go to "search" (in German: Suchen) and marked "*reg." I got approximately 183 dates. Are these dates the backup in question? Could I press the bottom "Merge" (in German: Zusammenf?hren") and the Backup is o.k. Or in other words: What ist the correct path to restore the dates?
What should I do if I have the impression to clean the dates definitely?
I am so sorry to have this problem not resolved. Any way, many thanks for your kind assistance.