Required to sign back in to web sites I subscribe to

I know I have seen the answer before but I am unable to find it. :unsure: When I run CCleaner (which is, so far, the best I have seen), I am required to enter in user id & password to web sites that I subscribe to. I have added the web site in the "cookies to keep" section but this does not seem to work. Please advise.

Thank you!;hl=passwords


im assuming you use IE?

i never liked IE because of that.

an alternative ill suggest would be FireFox as it does a great job of keeping passwords :P;hl=passwords


im assuming you use IE?

i never liked IE because of that.

an alternative ill suggest would be FireFox as it does a great job of keeping passwords :P

Thanks for the suggestion. I have the cookie "saved" but let me make sure it is the correct one.

Thanks again!