The df.exe in recent Defraggler release still doesn't respect setting in defraggler.ini.
So I'm asking you, begging you, to please make df.exe to look for all the settings in defraggler.ini like the GUI does.
Thank you.
The df.exe in recent Defraggler release still doesn't respect setting in defraggler.ini.
So I'm asking you, begging you, to please make df.exe to look for all the settings in defraggler.ini like the GUI does.
Thank you.
What a great attitude the moderators here have. Care to explain why you don't reply to posts or comments but the ones that you like?
Because it's a suggestion, not a query. Because it's in the Defraggler Suggestions forum. Because moderators can't change any Piriform code or policy. Because it's not something we either like or dislike. Because we're not in the pay of Piriform. Because we don't know whether Piriform will act on this or not, or when. Because we only reply when we can offer something constructive.