When I attempt to delete 2 files in my Microsoft word document folder, I get a message that reads "are you sure you want to move this file to the recycle bin” Which I then say “yes” Then the message reads “ Could not find this item”
“This is no longer located in C:\Users\owner\Documents. Verify the item’s location and try again. “ Well I have no idea where or how to verify the location. So is it possible to use CCleaner to just delete the document for my document library?
CC won't remove anything that doesn't fall into its selection criteria; that is, log files, temp files, files starting with ~, that sort of thing.
Or files listed in your INCLUDE section or in an enhancement file, say, winapp2.ini
You won't be any worse off, so give it a go just in case it then clears some 'blockage' and allows you to delete those files yourself.
Failing that, try booting the PC into Safe Mode and deleting those Word files. What are their file names? Anything weird about them; special characters, more than 256 characters in length, read-only etc?