Removing folders left in registry


I recently had to remove a firefox extention and while going through the directions ended up seeing my system Registry Editor. Looking through the list I noticed there were still folders with registry content left on my system of software I had uninstalled. Looks like CCleaner removed most of the registry files I've uninstalled, but I'd still like to get rid of the stuff that is left. Should I just go ahead and delete the files from the Registry Editor or does doing something like that require more steps?

When I run CCleaner I have every box checked on the Registry tab and all on the Cleaner tab except for:

Start Menu Shortcuts

Desktop Shortcuts

Menu Order Cache

Tray Notifications Cache

Window/Size Location Cache

User Assist History

Wipe Free Space

Could not checking some of these be the cause of why there are still files left in my registry?

Hi FF8,

Start Menu Shortcuts, Desktop Shortcuts, Menu Order Cache, Tray Notifications Cache, Window/Size Location Cache, User Assist History, Wipe Free Space

Could not checking some of these be the cause of why there are still files left in my registry?

This options will not effect your registry! Maybe files, folders, entries are shared with other aplications!?!

Then, in my discretion, CCleaner can't touch this entries.

Looking through the list I noticed there were still folders with registry content left on my system of software I had uninstalled.

Uninstalled with programm Uninstaller, Windows Uninstaller or CCleaner Uninstaller?

More Info about your Registry, System and so on may help, normally some leavings will not slow down or impair your system. Sometimes, this vestige is needed. (No way, talking about binding effect without detailed system information!)

Deleting registry entries manually... Bad idea, doing it with levity!

Looks like CCleaner removed most of the registry files I've uninstalled, but I'd still like to get rid of the stuff that is left. Should I just go ahead and delete the files from the Registry Editor or does doing something like that require more steps?

That stuff that's left... If you know what you are doing, delete it - otherwise, if that stuff don't derogate your system, let it live!

If you are able to send more info (system, programms, your Procedures, registry prints...) maybe the forum users will solve your problem!

Greetz, ZikZak

p.s. If a registry folder is (absolutely) empty, just don't take care of it!

p.p.s. I'm not a win-reg-pro - just wrote my first impression!!!!

Hi ZikZak, thank you for the response back.

I have Windows XP SP3 AMD Athalon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor. The programs were uninstalled with the uninstaller that came with the software. None of these leftover folders are empty. They have REG_SZ, REG_BINARY, and REG_DWORD files in them of old games and antivirus programs that I removed from my computer. So it's nothing that I need to run my system, which is performing much slower than it was a year or two ago.



I'm uncouth, I'm sorry!

I have Windows XP SP3 AMD Athalon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor.

I'm using Win XP Pro SP4, AMD Ath 64 X2 DC 3.2G Pro NVid 84.5 Pro 5M, 76.0 rpm Dc#...

This Info is futile, I'm sorry!

<..> the uninstaller that came with the software. None of these leftover folders are empty. They have REG_SZ, REG_BINARY, and REG_DWORD files in them of old games and antivirus programs that I removed from my computer.

Antivirus programs... sometimes priority files, logs and folders will beeing saved in your registry... (Normally the Logs are saved as "hidden files" - CCleaner is not able to delete "hidden" files, normaly!) If there is no "Process" running, just ignore this registry entrie*s!

Games... If you uninstalled a computer game, maybe some folders will be left at your harddisc...

If Links/Dlls are not shared, you can delete folders and registry entries (but take care of hidden files - especially "shared" Dll's)

If there are no error messages... and your system is working well... why abusing your "Cleaner"?!?

It it slow down your system:

Pleeze, pleeze, pleeze: MORE INFO!!!!!!!!!!

I really don't understand what kind of system info you want that would be relevant for this topic?

I've deleted the old game and antivirus files that were left after uninstall from the Program Files and Windows folders. I even did a search for them today across my whole system (including hidden files) but no search results come up. They are only left as registry entries.

Well actually while my system slowdown is a problem for me, that isn't why I started this thread and it would take too long to explain. I have a lot of files and software on my system (which is probably part of the cause) and so would like to get rid of all unnecessary leftover uninstalled files like these registry ones.

Edit - deleted the post.