Remove/Uninstall Norton AV 2005.1.2.20

:angry: I've tried to uninstall NAV with CCL and with Symantec on-line uninstaller (it will not download, even when I install the active-x components and disable my firewall).

Anyone know how to remove it (manually or otherwise)?

Thank you.

Control Panel > Add & Remove Software or CCleaner > Tools

just try uninstalling it and see what happens. if that doesnt work, you should use SymNRT

there will be several things to download and install and plus we have to uninstall Norton which can be a pain in the ass sometimes because Norton literally installs thousands of files all over Windows but we can get around that.

dont forget the turn on Windows firewall so that you will reamain somewaht protected.

things you will need to download -Norton uninstall tool

Rootkit Revealer -Rootkit scanner

Dial-A-Fix -Dial-A-Fix

first step is to download everything but don’t open up anything yet.

To uninstall Norton got to Start> Set Programs access and Defaults> Change or remove Programs. Find all Norton and/or Symnatec and uninstall everything.

After that is all done open and run the Norton removal tool to remove anything that is left.

Now run the Rootkit Revealer scan to make sure all hidden Symnatec files are gone.

When you are done with this process run ccleaner “Issues” make sure to make a back up. Reboot your system and run ccleaner again.

Now open Dial-A-Fix and click the green button with the double check. Click on “Go”. Dial-A-Fix will take a few minutes to complete it’s tasks.

And that should be it

From what MP_handler just explained, that pain in the ass procedure is indeed a very valid reason to stay very clear of Norton AV.

:angry: I've tried to uninstall NAV with CCL and with Symantec on-line uninstaller (it will not download, even when I install the active-x components and disable my firewall).

Anyone know how to remove it (manually or otherwise)?

Thank you.

If you have the original install CD just put it back in the computer like your going to reinstall it. It will ask you if you want to MODIFY or REMOVE the product. If that doesnt work go to the SymNRT.exe page and scroll down to the bottom of the page click on What if this did not work and print the page and download the 3 files. Run the files in the order it says should work then.