version 2.6 removes start menu short cuts. I have start menu short cuts and desk top short cuts unchecked. once removed the short cuts will not appear back in the menu untill you reboot. any ideas?
I have occasionally lost desk-top icons, and only regained them after a reboot, when some disaster struck, BUT NEVER anything to do with CCleaner.
I have most items checked for cleaning. Like you I have Short-cuts and Desktop un-checked.
Under "Advanced" I have checked only "Old Prefetch data" and "Custom Files and Folders",
the other six items I have NOT checked. Is it possible these are implicated in your problem.
n.b. I assume you did not clean the registry - mostly because if something bad happens to the registry it almost never recovers by a simple reboot !!!
You may need to post again with relevant information about your computer,
i.e. Operating System and service packs
It is not that I regain the shortcuts, just the ability for the shortcuts to be added to the start menu shortcuts. I used the previous version without any problems. I am using XP pro SP2. I do clean the registry without issues. I have checked start menu and desktop. It does not remove any desktop shortcuts. I do have tweakUI, which may be a conflict. I am using PC-cillin internet security 14 for antivirus and firewall. I use spyhunter3 for spy and adware. everything is checked under advanced. Thanks for the reply!
It is not that I regain the shortcuts, just the ability for the shortcuts to be added to the start menu shortcuts. I used the previous version without any problems. I am using XP pro SP2. I do clean the registry without issues. I have checked start menu and desktop. It does not remove any desktop shortcuts. I do have tweakUI, which may be a conflict. I am using PC-cillin internet security 14 for antivirus and firewall. I use spyhunter3 for spy and adware. everything is checked under advanced. Thanks for the reply!
Hello djp,
The reason your short cuts disappear on the Start menu is your use of the Advanced options.Specifically User Assist History.
Now that you have used all the Advanced options in the Cleaner function.I advise that you uncheck those Advanced options.
Don't use them until you understand what they do.
The last option "Custom Files and Folders" is needed if you use the Include/Exclude features of the Options function.
The Start menu shortcuts and Desktop shortcuts options result in a "search" for icons that point to programs that no longer exist.If not found the short cuts will be removed.
Turn off User Assist History and your Start menu short cuts will start to fill back in as you execute the programs from the All Programs start menu or Desktop or directly clicking on the program icon in Program Files.
Thanks for providing the info requested by Alan B.By the way, Tweakui is a great tool and is not causing any conflict.Alan B was correct in his thoughts that the Advanced options were causing the problem.
Tell your friends about us.
Good Luck,
Removal of advanced options cured the problem. Thank you! as for understanding the program... I did not check advanced, and it is all greek to me. I purchased this program because it came recommended. It is the only registry cleaner I used that did not screw up my programs. the previous version ran great in the default settings, and I would think that this version would too. there is not too much info out there to understand what all those options are. I do recommend this program to others. again, thanks!
I purchased this program because it came recommended.
CCleaner is a free program, where did you download it from?
Or do you mean that you made a donation?
Davey,Removal of advanced options cured the problem. Thank you! as for understanding the program... I did not check advanced, and it is all greek to me. I purchased this program because it came recommended. It is the only registry cleaner I used that did not screw up my programs. the previous version ran great in the default settings, and I would think that this version would too. there is not too much info out there to understand what all those options are. I do recommend this program to others. again, thanks!
The default options don't include any Advanced cleaning options.They must have accidentally been set.
Yes, it does take some "searching" of the Piriform forums to learn more about these options.
In computers there is an old truism."The Application always develops faster than it's documentation".
Advanced users understand these options and requested them.
Here is a link to a reply I made to another member.This help improve your "searches" on the forum.
It is a fun way and quick way to learn how to find other posts about those options etc.
P.S. Welcome to the forum!!!
Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008. Bookmark it and save in your Favorites.
CCleaner is a free program, where did you download it from?
Or do you mean that you made a donation?
I am not one that likes freeware. I donated to the cause.
I am not one that likes freeware. I donated to the cause.
Yes, I was confused also when you said you purchased it. Some "crooks" have been selling it on the net.
Thanks for your support. davey