Reinstalling programs from CCleaner tools section

Hello folks

I have a problem which I can't solve :mellow:

I have looked around in different topics but don't find an accurate answer to help me.

I ran CCleaner and now finding different helpfull tools are gone.

I find them in CCleaner and now want them back to work as usual!

(Example IBM access,Adobe reader and other helpfull tools)

What did i wrong and how do i get them back ?

(I'm not sure i understand Beginners Guide correct,have read it but not native english there are certain sentences i don't understand sure enough to press the right buttons.. :blink:


Lars (DK)

hesten, welcome.

What operating system are you using?

I have an IBM ThinkCentre system running WinXP Pro SP3 and it has IBM Access software installed but I don't find it very useful as it does not have an enhanced ThinkCentre keyboard with its extra keys.

I don't have Adobe Reader installed as I find that FoxIt Reader much faster for the few PDF files I have.

What other other helpful tools are you missing?

I ran CCleaner and now finding different helpfull tools are gone.

I find them in CCleaner and now want them back to work as usual!

(Example IBM access,Adobe reader and other helpfull tools)

Hello hesten,

When you say helpful tools are gone,do you mean Icons are missing from your

Desktop or Start menu? If the Icons are gone, we can help you.

Are the programs still in the Add or Remove Programs window of Control Panel?

If the programs are gone,you must restore them from your back-up CD or DVD or other back up.

YoKenny is suggesting some new tools for you if you don't have a back-up available.

He can help you find new tools to replace the old ones.

However,I am worried that you may have UNINSTALLED or DELETED many more programs.

I hope you thought that you were just testing tools.

Good Luck,

:) davey

When you say helpful tools are gone,do you mean Icons are missing from your

Desktop or Start menu? If the Icons are gone, we can help you.

Are the programs still in the Add or Remove Programs window of Control Panel?

If the programs are gone,you must restore them from your back-up CD or DVD or other back up.


Hello Davey,

Thanks for answer

The Icons are still there allthough they don't do much work while the content seems to be in CCleaner.

The programs are still in the Ad/Remove window. As well as several more!

I didn't press any DELETE button.

I understood the CCleaner wouldn't delete anything without being ordered step by step.

Is that correct? Or have I got it wrong..? :blink:

Actually I'm used to make decisions and trust tools! When given info that things work so or so I act relying on this info; I understood there wouldn't be anything deleted without being chosen and ordered. Step by step.

This works in some part of this tool.

Also thanks to Yokenny,

It's not the the question if I wanted some programs changed fore eventually better one's

I'm not yet capeable to make such decision's.

Thats the reason I trusted me using this cleaner:There would'nt be anything deleted without

exact choosing and ordering.

So Davey, How do I fix up this mess?

Is it possible to bring this programs back where they are needed?

I've just bought this IBMT40 (2003) second hand.And I don't have any kind of back up.

Thank's for fast replying!

Hope You are able to help.



OK Lars,

Hazelnut's motto is "try to stay calm".On the forum we all listen to Hazel.

Stay calm. Take some deep relieving breaths.

Now you clicked on the CCleaner icon and the Cleaner window opened up on the screen.

Look at that screen again in your minds eye.

What did you do next and then what happened?Just take your time and try to recall the order you did things and then what happened. It's that easy.OK!!!.

I am tired but I'll stay here until you or I says we must do other things.

Calm and relaxed? I am.

:) davey

It has been about 2 hr 30 min. since your reply and I don't see you logged on the forum.

When you are there stay logged on so I know you are there.

I am going to ask some more questions but I still need you to explain as much as possible in another

reply after you answer these questions.

I believe what you have told me.You sound like a very conscientious person.I know you are extra

cautious due to the language difference also.

What makes you think that your tools are gone or missing?

From what you have told me so far,the news sounds good.

If you had Deleted those tools then the icons would most likely be gone also.

If you look in the All Programs list on the Start menu do you still see them listed?.

What happens if you try to use those tools?

Do you see your tool programs listed in the Uninstall list of the Tools function in CCleaner?

I am hoping that there is only a misunderstanding related to what you read and what you were

seeing in the CCleaner windows.Especially the Tools window where it lists all the programs in the Program Files.

The Cleaner function is the default window when you you begin.The Analyze button is clicked and the Cleaner will begin to look at the data to be cleaned based on the check boxes.It will show a list of what has been selected for deletion.The Run Cleaner button is clicked to clean out what has been Analyzed.It will display a list of what has been deleted.

The Registry integrity function is used to "clean" the Windows Registry.This is for Advanced users.

The Tools function is also for Advanced users.This allows for the Uninstalling ,Deletion,or Renaming of programs in the Program Files. It also helps the user delete some processes from running at Startup.

The Options function allows for selecting special features of CCleaner.

:) davey

OK Lars,

Hazelnut's motto is "try to stay calm".On the forum we all listen to Hazel.

Stay calm. Take some deep relieving breaths.

Now you clicked on the CCleaner icon and the Cleaner window opened up on the screen.

Look at that screen again in your minds eye.

What did you do next and then what happened?Just take your time and try to recall the order you did things and then what happened. It's that easy.OK!!!.

I am tired but I'll stay here until you or I says we must do other things.

Calm and relaxed? I am.

:) davey

Hej davey,

Thanks for backup!

And the music tip as well. cool.

I don'nt realy need to work with visual mind while the tool is right here next to me ;) on this screen

don't misunderstand me..-I'm not freaking that much (yet)

Ok: The stuff is still visible in the CCleaner..

And i haven't pressed that much on any buttons..

The question is : how do i get them out and back ?

Is it possible at all or should I just delete them and start looking for some new stuff to put in this little laptop..?

(Hope not you stayed up that long for my sake..! I do run other things and this pc is imporant to me but not my entire life ;) )

I'm waiting for a good advice, with fingers crossed or whatever You say in Your language..:)




Have you tried running them?

I think they are still in the C:\Program Files folder.

Use them, click on their icons. What happens?

:) davey


Do not use CCleaner until you understand what each function does.

Exit CCleaner without using any buttons.

Now use your tools like you do normally.

Your tools programs should run properly.


You cannot run any of your programs from inside CCleaner, it is for cleaning up old temporary files.

If you have programs on your computer you do not want anymore, go into add/remove programs in your control panel and uninstall them.

Which program and tools do you need back?

(P.S. I will not sit here and wait for your answer, I am like you, I have a life outside of computers :)

Hej Davey and Hazelnut.

Thanks for answering.

Hope You are well back from Weekend reading this :)

First off all:

I know that I have been in part of CCleaner which I don't have enough knowledge to handle proberly.

(That's why I'm using this Forum)

And I do respect and appreciate you work with this stuff and helping PC analphabetic's like me!

I havn't deleted any of the programs listed in CCleaner.

And I want most off them to stay in my PC.

The puzzle for me is that out off several programs listed in CCleaner' Deletewindow there are certain program

that still works in the PC and certain which doesn't. Example IBM Access

-Is it possible that there's a another "level" or part of the Accessprogram which could be missing?

(that could explain why it stopped working-

The first part off Access shows up, but next "level":The containtment- about the Pc,it doesn't show up.

In CCleaner Deletewindow it is listed among several others.

-Are these program actually removed from PC or is it just a list of opportunities to choose and delete from?

What excactly do I do with this listing in CCleaner NOT to delete these usefull programs.

-Which button should be used?

If they aren't removed what do you suggest to make Access run proberly? -Is this more a case on an IBM forum?



Sorry forgot to answer your questions proberly:

The icons are still there; But not all of them have any content.


Which window do you mean "CCleaner delete window" ?

can you show a screenshot?

I havn't deleted any of the programs listed in CCleaner.

And I want most off them to stay in my PC.

-Are these program actually removed from PC or is it just a list of opportunities to choose and delete from?

What excactly do I do with this listing in CCleaner NOT to delete these usefull programs.

-Which button should be used?

Ok, I may have completely misunderstood and if so just ignore the following but just in case....

My understanding here is that you are looking in the Tools>Uninstall section of CCleaner and you are seeing the list of programs installed thinking these are cleaned or repaired in some way with CCleaner. That list is the same as Windows Add/Remove, it is simply there as an additional tool for uninstalling, ie if you want to uninstall or delete an entry you can do so there (but ONLY if you want to remove a program). Running the cleaner section of CCleaner does nothing to that list.

It also seems to me the programs you are referring to that don't work didn't work before (they weren't broken by running CCleaner), and you are thinking that list of programs in CCleaner will allow you to fix or reinstall programs. That isn't possible, like I said that is basically the same as Windows Add/Remove.