Reinstalling IE6 having installed IE7, error message when attempting to replace Registration Entries located in MT Doc's

I installed Intenet Explorer (IE) 7 a week ago and find it a disaster. I wish to reinstall IE6 but was advised that if i had run CCleaner whilst in IE7 i may have problems reinstalling to IE6. With this in mind, i want to return 1 Registation Entry from its loc in MY Doc's, but when i attempt this, i get a REGISTER EDITOR error message, Cannot Input C:\ My Docs etc...Error accessing the Register.

1. How do i overcome this problem

2. Do you think the advice is correct that if i attempt to download IE6 without returning the Registration enteries to the Registry, this may cause major problems.

Please reply in very basic terms if i have to carry out any operations ref the above as i am not computer experienced at all.