Reinstall Windows 7 pro 32 bit

I have lost some Dell ControlPoint applications when I did a new NOT CLEAN install of windows 7 pro 32 bit

the drive was NOT formated

I have a copy of Windows.old on the hard drive

I would like to use RCsetup 1.51 on the C drive of a laptop E6500 to capture the lost Dell application

if the old version of Windows REInstalls that is ok I have no virus issues

I would also like to get the drivers and old users back

Can I have some detailed directions for the use of this tool




I'm not sure you even need Recuva as it sounds like nothing has been overwritten or deleted.

It sounds as though all your software, when Win7 was reloaded, has been moved to windows.old

That is where you'll find all the previous data for each User and the Dell drivers.

Win7 always does a clean install, unlike XP where you could 'repair' or 'fresh' install.

The applications will be no good, as they are now just a reference of what you had.

They would need reinstalling to get them on the new Windows installation.

Look in the windows.old file for a folder Dell usually calls Dell, or Drivers, or SWSETUP.

Not only do Dell put all their hardware drivers here, they usually also put the pre-installed software here as well.

If not, using your Service Tag on the Dell website will take you straight to where you need to go.


I did not read about the Window.old till after I installed peacemeal some of the Dell software

so Now I think I need to do a reset with the Recovery Partition to back to square one from the Dell factory

what is confusing is the Recovery Partition is on D drive by label but I have no D drive on the lap top

so this is just a patition on C

thanks for the reply

Yes BACK UP on day one or after you install all the updates and software installs

I have learned this lesson too late