I am reaching the end of my tether. For a few months now i have been experiencing problems with my software, with constant slownesses and freezes. It noticed this when i upgraded Windows Explorer 8. I since contacted For over a year i had the same internet security and had no problems. I had Norton security before and have removed it because it wasnt good. When i did a Reistry i noticed Nortons device was still in on my system , but was listed under Obselete. By using Registry will this remove all trace of this altogether and other files listed there?
I am reaching the end of my tether. For a few months now i have been experiencing problems with my software, with constant slownesses and freezes. It noticed this when i upgraded Windows Explorer 8. I since contacted For over a year i had the same internet security and had no problems. I had Norton security before and have removed it because it wasnt good. When i did a Reistry i noticed Nortons device was still in on my system , but was listed under Obselete. By using Registry will this remove all trace of this altogether and other files listed there?
Norton Internet Security is made difficulty to uninstall intentionally to prevent hackers, virus and other malware from affecting it. However, when a person no longer wants, it makes it difficult to remove. You need to use Norton Removal tool to complete the removal. Below is a link, choose the appropriate one.
Newer link
Norton Removal Tool
Norton Internet Security is made difficulty to uninstall intentionally to prevent hackers, virus and other malware from affecting it. However, when a person no longer wants, it makes it difficult to remove. You need to use Norton Removal tool to complete the removal. Below is a link, choose the appropriate one.
Newer link
Norton Removal Tool
Thank you Jorm, you have been a tremendous help
Thank you Jorm, you have been a tremendous help
I have used Norton Removal tool , but dont see any change. The browsers still runs incredibly slow and at times comes to a complete stand still for ages. I dont know what has course this to the extent it has. I use Ccleaner to regularly. Is their anything you can recommend on CCleaner?
Hi Candy, and welcome to Piriform.
There was a lot of slowdown problems reported when IE8 came out. With some users it was creating serious slowdown problems, and with others, it was working fine.
You may come under the first set of users, and the only way to find out would be to roll back to IE7 and see if the problem disappears at all.
Another possibility is the presence of Malware (Virus/Spyware) on your computer, which could create the same problem.
I would suggest you check out that possibility first by visiting this section of our forum, and then post the required logs.
There was a lot of slowdown problems reported when IE8 came out. With some users it was creating serious slowdown problems, and with others, it was working fine.
You may come under the first set of users, and the only way to find out would be to roll back to IE7 and see if the problem disappears at all.
IIRC the slowdown issues that were reported were fixed with a hotfix or two so I would suggest visiting Windows Update and making sure you're all up to date before trying removing it.
IIRC the slowdown issues that were reported were fixed with a hotfix or two so I would suggest visiting Windows Update and making sure you're all up to date before trying removing it.
Tried updating Windows - some errors have occured - You see it was upgrading Windows 8 that course the pigging problems in the 1st place and ever since - even though i have uninstalled it . It has made the running of my pc worse . I contacted Windows and their where quick to pass it off as my anti virus , which i had long before and has been worjking perfectly well.
My question in regards to CCleaner has STILL NOT been answered . IS THEIR ANY PACKAGES incoprated in this that xcan help or WHAT IS REGISTRY? will this help
Hi Candy.
There isn't anything in CCleaner which will fix the problems you have. You can scan and clean the registry, and it will clean up the remnants of uninstalled software, but it sounds like your problems are not as simple as that.
First of all, you say you uninstalled IE8 and went back to IE7. Could this statement from a Microsoft article apply to you:
Important You cannot uninstall Internet Explorer 8 if it is set as not removable. This occurs if you install Internet Explorer 8 before you install Service Pack 3 (SP3) for Windows XP. If this scenario applies to you, then you must uninstall SP3 before you can uninstall Internet Explorer 8. For more information about this issue, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Secondly, I still suggest, as I did above, to have your computer checked out for Malware by an expert. You would need to follow the instructions here, and then post the logs in our Spyware Forum.
If your PC is infected, then anything you do, or we suggest in an endeavour to fix things will probably be a complete waste of time. If your PC comes up with a clean bill of health, then we can discard that possibility.
Second DennisD's suggestion: go to http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=20120 and follow the instructions there. If it is malaware slowing you down one of the spyware moderators will help you fix it. Hope you get it fixed.