Registry Restore


I downloaded Registry backup programme ERUNT and NTREGOPT .One is backup and another one backup and optimizer i think or both same im not sure.If i backup registry and how can i RESTORE it later.I read about this b4 but now i forgot frm which thread.I think its better to know for security or safety.

And about Replicator software if this is for Full Image backup programme So if i can take full image backup and if im in trouble with my pc so i can backup my image and get back my system like b4.

For this Backup now im using Acronis?True?Image but i was in and this looks very easy.

Any suggestions would be appreciated .


I downloaded Registry backup programme ERUNT and NTREGOPT .One is backup and another one backup and optimizer i think or both same im not sure.If i backup registry and how can i RESTORE it later.I read about this b4 but now i forgot frm which thread.I think its better to know for security or safety.

And about Replicator software if this is for Full Image backup programme So if i can take full image backup and if im in trouble with my pc so i can backup my image and get back my system like b4.

For this Backup now im using Acronis?True?Image but i was in and this looks very easy.

Any suggestions would be appreciated .

Hi CRoz,

Good for you.I am glad somebody has been reading the forums.

You will find the documentation and links to the authur for ERUNT at Start > All Programs > ERUNT Print it off and save a copy with your Windows Install/Boot disks.Of course read it also.The restore program is in each days backup at C:\Windows\ERDNT Read the documentation for ERUNT it is in there.NTREGOPT is only used to compact the Registry after uninstalling applications.It must only be run when you are ready to REBOOT IMMEDIATELY.It should not be run at any other time.

Yes I use Replicator and many members do.It is easy to learn to set up jobs to backup what you want and when you want.

I backed-up everything before installing WinXP SP3.I didn't need it yet but it is there if I do need it.

:) davey

P.S. I did answer you before in a different thread.You can find all post and threads related to YOU by clicking on Members at the top of the forum window.Type in your name and you can find all your topics and threads.Just click on your name there or in any of your posts on the forums.

P.S. From what I have been told ACRONIS is a good program to have also.

Hi CRoz,

Good for you.I am glad somebody has been reading the forums.

You will find the documentation and links to the authur for ERUNT at Start > All Programs > ERUNT Print it off and save a copy with your Windows Install/Boot disks.Of course read it also.The restore program is in each days backup at C:\Windows\ERDNT Read the documentation for ERUNT it is in there.NTREGOPT is only used to compact the Registry after uninstalling applications.It must only be run when you are ready to REBOOT IMMEDIATELY.It should not be run at any other time.

Yes I use Replicator and many members do.It is easy to learn to set up jobs to backup what you want and when you want.

I backed-up everything before installing WinXP SP3.I didn't need it yet but it is there if I do need it.

:) davey

P.S. I did answer you before in a different thread.You can find all post and threads related to YOU by clicking on Members at the top of the forum window.Type in your name and you can find all your topics and threads.Just click on your name there or in any of your posts on the forums.

P.S. From what I have been told ACRONIS is a good program to have also.


Thanks for Reply and i really waited answer from u i didnt mention it but if others ans thts okey but i got answer from u thts good.Now i setup Erunt and it asked me if i wants to restore backup all the time when computer start i click YES.If this okey or this going to slow down my Pc for added in Startup.I read this Documents and i think i can do this but if i have any trouble i will be here again......................

P:S ...I got this problem from Erunt after i re-started my PC

unable to create file C:\windows\ERDNT\Autobackup\2008-06-27\ERDNT.inf

registry backup will continue,but no restore info for the ERDNT programme will saveed.This means that later restoration of the registry can only done by manually.

Pls if possible help me out



Thanks for Reply and i really waited answer from u i didnt mention it but if others ans thts okey but i got answer from u thts good.Now i setup Erunt and it asked me if i wants to restore backup all the time when computer start i click YES.If this okey or this going to slow down my Pc for added in Startup.I read this Documents and i think i can do this but if i have any trouble i will be here again......................

P:S ...I got this problem from Erunt after i re-started my PC

unable to create file C:\windows\ERDNT\Autobackup\2008-06-27\ERDNT.inf

registry backup will continue,but no restore info for the ERDNT programme will saveed.This means that later restoration of the registry can only done by manually.

Pls if possible help me out



Don't worry.Run ERUNT manually and see what happens.Look in \Windows\ERDNT and see what is there after you run it..

I am going to get some more information.

P.S. After you run ERUNT it will create a separate folder with today's date as the name.You can look in that folder to learn what it looks like.

One of these folders will be created each time you run ERUNT manually.I have created 3 in one day plus autobackup created 1 the first time that I rebooted that day.Autobackup will create only one backup for each day that it is booted.If you don't boot for a couple of days no new autobackup is made.This is why I always run ERUNT manually prior to making any changes.Autobackup should only add 30 seconds to your first start-up of the day.

A small price to pay for the Recovery backup it will give you.

Let's see what happens the next time that you reboot.I don't know why it could not create that ERDNT.INF text file the first time.

Let me know what happens.

:) davey


I didnt find any folder named ERDNT inside Windows directory( very weired but whats the reason thr is no Dir named ERDNT??.Now this stop showing message at startup after reboot i think coz of now im using TWEAK UAC and i setup it in Quite mode but after tht i reboot many times to check if this works or not but nope.If i take backup manually and if i keep this in other drive in one folder tht is okey??or i have to keep it in Win Directory??

And BTW im using Vista Ultimate and iwants to turn off UAC but i read b4 its not good idea to off this after u installed all software so ............


If you are using vista you may have to turn off UAC in order for Erunt to work properly. Some users have found problems using in with Home Premiun

Or are you using XP?


I didnt find any folder named ERDNT inside Windows directory( very weired but whats the reason thr is no Dir named ERDNT??.Now this stop showing message at startup after reboot i think coz of now im using TWEAK UAC and i setup it in Quite mode but after tht i reboot many times to check if this works or not but nope.If i take backup manually and if i keep this in other drive in one folder tht is okey??or i have to keep it in Win Directory??

And BTW im using Vista Ultimate and iwants to turn off UAC but i read b4 its not good idea to off this after u installed all software so ............


Hi CRoz,

Vista does put a different slant on things.UAC may have to be turned off to do your setup and other backups.

I use WinXP PRO SP3.

You need to link back to the authors site and read the FAQ page.Also see what forum help there may be there.

I will be there myself trying to get more information.

Yes,for best possible chances of Recovery you want ERDNT in the Windows Directory.This may not apply to Vista.

P.S. I did find this from a Vista user of ERUNT.

Superb program.

But may I suggest to users that they save to another partition/or ext disk than that which houses the OS

Sometimes on a reinstall/restore (Vista) it wipes out the ERDNT folder.

You may want to do as he suggests for now, until we can find out more info as regards Vista use of ERUNT and NTREGOPT.

Reinstall ERUNT and try putting ERDNT somewhere else.Also say "Yes" to AutoBackup when asked.The AutoBackup folder should end up

as a separate folder within the ERDNT Directory.After reinstall run ERUNT manually first before trying a reboot.Do not run NTREGOPT until we do further checking.


:) davey

Hi CRoz,

Vista does put a different slant on things.UAC may have to be turned off to do your setup and other backups.

I use WinXP PRO SP3.

You need to link back to the authors site and read the FAQ page.Also see what forum help there may be there.

I will be there myself trying to get more information.

Yes,for best possible chances of Recovery you want ERDNT in the Windows Directory.This may not apply to Vista.

P.S. I did find this from a Vista user of ERUNT.

You may want to do as he suggests for now, until we can find out more info as regards Vista use of ERUNT and NTREGOPT.

Reinstall ERUNT and try putting ERDNT somewhere else.


:) davey

Thanks for help i really mean that ...Great forum..u can get instant help .

So u suggest me to Uninstall it And install it again but for example if i install it another drive thn any problem???

and whn this message will come that erunt will save backup in Windows Directory what should i do or i can browse or choose where i wants to save ???

Thanks for help i really mean that ...Great forum..u can get instant help .

So u suggest me to Uninstall it And install it again but for example if i install it another drive thn any problem???

and whn this message will come that erunt will save backup in Windows Directory what should i do or i can browse or choose where i wants to save ???

I know you will be allowed to BROWSE for the ERDNT folder.I think the AutoBackup folder will be put inside there during the install.

I have another link for you to review also.


:) davey

I know you will be allowed to BROWSE for the ERDNT folder.I think the AutoBackup folder will be put inside there during the install.

I have another link for you to review also.


:) davey

Thanks again and i read from your given link but thr is diffrent s kind of opinions Like with Vista works and many says not works...

if u have any other software advice that is easy and dont use lots memory............