I have CCleaner Free v.5.63.7540 (64-bit). I have option "Start CCleaner at Windows-Startup" (I have translated this from german). This sets in registry "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe" /AUTOS
The option is set to /AUTOS
This does not work when restarting my computer.
When I set this in regedit to /AUTO then CCleaner works at startup, but only once and the option is reset to /AUTOS
So next startup it does not work again.
Is this a bug or why does it behave like this ?
Thanks in advance.
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I believe that what the OP is saying is that CCleaner is setting it incorrectly in the registry and they are having to correct it manually.
Sorry I did not understand your last answer. Who have to correct it manually? I did set it to /AUTO manually and it was reset to /AUTOS automatically
After some testing on my Windows 10 1909 (64-bit) I can confirm that "Run CCleaner when the computer starts" does set the switch to /AUTOS rather than /AUTO.
However it runs on startup as expected.
In fact further testing showed that both the /AUTO (no space needed) and /AUTOS switches run CCleaner with both Boot and Restart.
I believe that /AUTOS is a combination of the two old switches /AUTO and /S (silent).
@gofo is it simply that you are expecting a CCleaner window to open when you boot/restart your computer?
/AUTOS doesn't do that - it runs a clean in the background so that you don't see it. (Which is what it should do).
If you leave the Task Manager window open showing processes and then restart your computer do you see the CCleaner running as a background process when it restarts?
It should look something like this, and then after a minute or so the CCleaner background process will end (unless you have monitoring enabled in which case it wil stay running):
Further if you then open CCleaner manually and do an analyze it will only find a couple of System files that have been recreated since CCleaner ran at startup.
I dont expect a window when running in auto-mode. The problem is, when I set it to /AUTO without extra space at end, the next run changes this to /AUTOS and at following run with option /AUTOS no cleaning is done.
Fine lets see if we can work out what is happening.
I suspect that when ccleaner finishes that it checks if you have 'Run when the computer starts' ticked (or anything else) and changes the reg entry(s) based on if it's ticked or not.
So that would change it back to /AUTOS. (unless you have put the extra space on the end).
I'm not sure why /AUTOS is not running on your machine.
One big question though -
When you say that '<em>no cleaning is done</em>' how are you checking that?
That is to say how do you <u>know</u> that no cleaning has been done?
Have you tried what I said above about leaving Task Manager open and seeing if CC is running as a background task when you restart?
Have you tried restarting , waiting a minute or two (without doing anything) and then doing a CCleaner Analyze to see what it finds? Again as said above if it has run a clean at start then there should only be a couple of files found by the analyze.
I must say I am a little bit confused. CCleaner always cleaned my browser history of Chrome and Opera. In the last weeks it did not or I felt it did not. Now it does, no matter /AUTO or /AUTOS . Ccleaner can be seen in the taskmanager and It lasts a little bit, but then it is done. Maybe at my tests I was to quick trying whether it is done or not. I think the real reason is that I upgraded from Win 7 to Win 10. The PC is now quicker up, but not finished when I start the browser. So sorry for my eagerness.
No problems, if there was an issue then we would want to try and track it down.
It does seem from what you say that CCleaner is running, and cleaning, at startup. (But you were a bit eager to look for the results).
Windows 10 does present you with the desktop quicker than 7, but it can still be doing startup tasks in the background for another few minutes. You can see this by watching Task Manager after booting.
You might want to take a look at AdwCleaner from Malwarebytes. It's not a rival to CCleaner, it does a different job. What the latest versions of Adw can do is remove unwanted/uneeded start up items and background tasks that the computer manufacturer has put there.