Has anyone had the same problem I have?
I am running the latest version of CC Pro (5.12.5431 64 bit) and the registry gets scanned.
There are some 1200 detections.
When I click "Fix all ..." it seems to clean the registry, until..
I run CC registry cleaner again and I am getting exactly the same (amount of) detections.
Actually, the first lines are identical to the first scan.
I also used "Run as Adminstrator" bur this didn't help either.
Any help is appreciated.
BTW: CC 5.12 Pro is running perfectly on a WIN10 64-bit PC.
The problem seems to be with the "All users" selection in the Settings section of CC.
If I select "Current user" it works fine.
Then I have to log in as the other user and run CC again with "Current user" selected.
This seems a bug to me since CC should be able to handle multiple users.